CUPE 3912 will be hosting the Dalhousie University Unit on Wednesday March 19th at 19h30 (7:30 PM) ADT.
The meeting will be in a hybrid format, with both the Zoom link and room location to be announced shortly. A precise agenda will also be communicated soon.
This meeting is important, as it will cover:
- Elections for the four (4) Dalhousie Vice-President positions:
- 1) Representative for Part Time Faculty in Halifax;
- 2) Representative for TAs, Markers, and Demonstrators at the Studley Campus;
- 3) Representative for TAs, Markers, and Demonstrators at the Sexton campus;
- 4) Representative for PTAs and TAs for the Truro Campus
- Elections for the four (4) Dalhousie Steward positions (representing the same groups as listed above)
- Elections for the two (2) non-executive Dalhousie negotiating committee member positions
- Elections for three (3) Dalhousie committees:
- Council on Employment Equity (Ref Article 4.6)
- Environmental Health and Safety Committee, Halifax (Ref Article 19.3)
- Environmental Health and Safety Committee, Truro (Ref Article 19.3)
- Bargaining and mobilization updates
- Space for comments, questions, and to raise issues with the Union and Employer
Our by-laws describe the role and responsibility of each position up for election. Please consider contributing your unique skills, or come support a candidate that appeals to you. Nominations are accepted at the meeting, but interested parties are encouraged to email President Lauren McKenzie for more information and to nominate in advance so agenda time can be allocated. In-absentia nominations are also accepted if you can’t attend at the scheduled time. Please reach out in advance.
This meeting is critical, as updates on our current status leading into the negotiating cycle under threats of administrative changes and cuts. We want to ensure you, our cherished membership, are well-informed and have participated in selecting those who will lead the charge in our crusade for fair compensation and safe work environments. Please attend, and bring a friend!