Newsletter: The Instructor

Newsletter: The Instructor

Summer 2024 Newsletter

  • Artists Need a Living Wage: The Story of NSCAD Part-Time Academic Workers Joining CUPE 3912, by Claire Drummond, CUPE 3912 VP NSCAD
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Hazards of the Chemistry Building at Dalhousie University, by Aiden Farrant, CUPE 3912 Recording Secretary
  • Is Economic Equity Possible within the Contemporary Theory and Practice of Economics? by Robert Henman, CUPE 3912 Member
  • Safeguarding Dreams: How Labour Rights Empowered an International Student, by Hamza Jawad, CUPE 3912 Member
  • Academic Staff Associations and Collegial Governance, bu Larry Savage and Stephanie Ross, CAUT Collective Bargaining and Organizing Committee

Spring 2024 Newsletter

  • Want to Build Our Collective Power Together? Form a Caucus or Working Group! By Neil Balan, CUPE 3912 Member/SMU PT Faculty Bargaining Committee member
  • Working people don’t get what they deserve, they get what they negotiate By Cameron Ells, CUPE 3912 President
  • Toward Shared Governance at SMU By Karen Harper, CUPE 3912 Member
  • Reflections on the Closure of the The Language Centre, Saint Mary’s University by Lauren McKenzie CUPE 3912 VP SMU TLC

April 2022 Newsletter

  • President’s Message by Karen Harper
  • Defending Academic Freedom by Rima Azar (guest post)
  • Full-Time Precarity by Larissa Atkison (CUPE 3912 VP MSVU)

March 2022 Newsletter

  • President’s Message by Karen Harper
  • A Fair Formula by David R. Wilson (CUPE 3912 Member)
  • Teaching from the Margins by Lauren McKenzie (CUPE 3912 VP TLC)
  • Health and Safety Post COVID-19 by Troy Winters (CUPE National) and Jenna Brookfield (CUPE Atlantic)

January 2022 Newsletter

  • President’s Welcome by Karen Harper
  • Inflation During Pandemic and Bargaining Times by Carlos Pessoa (Former CUPE 3912 VP SMU)
  • Survey Says… by Cameron Ells (CUPE 3912 VP Dal TA Sexton)
  • In Memoriam Pat O’Neill by Karen Harper (CUPE 3912 President)

Spring 2021 Newsletter

  • Academic Freedom Inside and Outside the University by Keith McMaster (CUPE 3912 member)
  • On fair wages, undergrad tuition fees, full-time and tenure track salaries, and part-time contract pay, by Neil Balan (CUPE 3912 member)

Fall 2020 Newsletter

  • The S-Word by Karen Harper
  • Before the Leaky Pipeline: Postdoctoral and Emerging Grad Experiences: Our Response to “Gender Equity Considerations for Tenure and Promotion During Covid-19 by Shiva Nourpanah & Chantelle Falconer (CUPE 3912 Members)

Spring 2020 Newsletter

  • Solidarity in the Time of Online Education by Shiva Nourpanah (CUPE 3912 Member)
  • Academic Freedom Inside and Outside the Academy by Pat O’Neill (CUPE 3912 VP MSVU)
  • In Memorium: Remembering Joyce Conrad By Barbara Moore (former CUPE 3912 President)

Fall 2019 Newsletter

  • Domestic Violence Leave in Nova Scotia by Shiva Nourpanah (CUPE 3912 Member)

Spring 2019 Newsletter

  • What is Retirement for Part-Time Instructors?
  • CAUT Defense Fund by Karen Harper (CUPE 3912 Communications Officer)
  • New Faces in CUPE 3912
  • Mayworks Halifax Celebrates 10 Years! By Sébastien Labelle

Fall 2018 Newsletter

  • Scholarly Contributions Display Goes Online!
  • Volunteer! But why? by Shiva Nourpanah (CUPE 3912 member)
  • Out of the Shadows by Karen Harper (CUPE 3912 Communications Officer)
  • Atlantic Regional Workers Summit Report by Kim Robinson (CUPE 3912 Member)
  • COCAL Report by Julie Quinn (CUPE 3912 Member) and Carmel Forde (CUPE 3912 VP Dalhousie Part-Time Faculty)

Spring 2018 Newsletter

  • Report on Fair Employment Week by Annick MacAskill (CUPE 3912 Newsletter & Education Committee member)
  • The History of the EWOC CUPE 3912’s New Mascot? by Annick MacAskill (CUPE 3912 Newsletter & Education Committee member)

Fall 2017 Newsletter

  • On Precedence by Carmel Forde (CUPE 3912 VP for Dalhousie)
  • Congratulations on Teaching Awards
  • Grieving Dalhousie’s Respect for TAs and Markers by Cameron Ells (CUPE 3912 VP for TAs and Markers, Sexton Campus)

September 2016 Newsletter

  • On Precedence
  • Basic Fairness for Contract Academic Staff
  • Collective Bargaining 101 by Jeff McNeil (CAUT)

April 2016 Newsletter

  • Online Academic Staff — We’re Fighting for Your Rights
  • Faculty of Agriculture — Precedence and Stipend Woes
  • The Precarious Life of the Contract Academic — It’s Time for Change

Fall 2013 Newsletter

  • Greetings from the new President by Steve Cloutier
  • Greetings from the new Vice-President SMU, Phil Bennett
  • CUPE 3912 at CUPE National Convention by by Carmel Forde, VP Part-Time Academics at Dalhousie
  • Nova Scotia Federation of Labour Convention by by Carmel Forde, VP Part-Time Academics at Dalhousie
  • Obituary for CUPE 3912 members Katherine Clough and  Jennifer Grabove

Spring 2013 Newsletter

  • Putting Our Heads Together by Sébastien Labelle, Communications Officer
  • Temporary Foreign Workers and CUPE by Carmel Forde, VP Part-Time Academics at Dalhousie
  • Provincial Strategy by Carmel Forde, VP Part-Time Academics at Dalhousie
  • 20 Years of Standing Together
  • Saying Goodbye by Barb Moore, outgoing CUPE 3912 Recording-Secretary
  • Neo-liberalism & Precariousness by Jennifer Dimoff, President
  • Demystifying Precedence by by Carmel Forde, VP Part-Time Academics at Dalhousie

Fall 2012 Newsletter

  • Admin Compensations Rise by Sébastien Labelle, Communications Officer
  • Report From the CUPE National Post-Secondary Taskforce by Jennifer Dimoff, President
  • PhD Preferred? by Stephen Cloutier, VP Saint Mary’s University
  • Troublemaking by Sébastien Labelle, Communications Officer
  • Defending Our Workplace by Barb Moore, Recording Secretary
  • Report from Labour College by Jennifer Dimoff, President
  • Why Union? by Sébastien Labelle, Communications Officer

Winter 2012

  • CUPE Youth At Convention
  • SMU TESL Instructors Join CUPE 3912, by Dr. Rory Leitch
  • SMU’s New Academic Plan by Carmel Forde, VP Dalhousie contract faculty
  • Social Media and the Universities by Steve Cloutier, VP Saint Mary’s

Fall 2010

  • MSVU Ratification
  • Dalhousie Contract Signing
  • A new “back door” to Dal” Navitas by, Carmel Forde Communications
  • Where from Here: The Tim O’Neill Report by Steve Cloutier, Recording Secretary

Winter 2010

  • Bargaining updates

Fall 2009

  • Bargaining for the next Collective Agreements by R. Lanning, Chief Steward
  • How to apply for teaching positions by R. Lanning, Chief Steward
  • CUPE and the PSE Sector by Jennifer Dimoff, CUPE 3912 VP MSVU

Spring 2009

  • TAs: Know Your Rights by Christina Behme
  • News from around the University Sector
  • Global Justice Committee Report by Barb Moore

Fall 2008

  • Do you think you have a grievance? by R. Lanning
  • News from around the University Sector

Spring 2008

  • May Day May 1st
  • Notes from the Mount
  • New website for Cupe 3912
  • WLU contract faculty are on strike!

Fall 2007

  • CUPE National Women’s Task Force and the CUPE National Convention by Carmel Forde
  • Grievances and Settlements at MSVU by Robert Lanning, CUPE 3912 VP for MSVU
  • 3rd Annual CCGEU Conference Takes Place in Fredericton by, Troy Winters  CUPE 3912 VP TA DAL
  • SMU Part-time Faculty Attention Pays Off by N. Murray, CUPE 3912 VP SMU

Spring 2006

  • Are Your Rights Being Denied at SMU? by Joyce Conrad, CUPE 3912 VP SMU
  • Who’s Doing the Teaching? by Robert Lanning, CUPE 3912 Communications Officer
  • News from Saint Mary’s by Joyce Conrad, CUPE 3912 VP SMU
  • CUPE Launches Task Force on Women
  • What Our Members Want

Fall 2006

  • Negotiations Begin for New Agreement by Barb Moore, CUPE 3912 President
  • CUPE 3912 Executive Attend 2nd Annual CCGEU by Troy Winters, CUPE 3912 VP TAs Sexton Campus and Cristian Rangel, CUPE 3912 VP TAs Studley Campus
  • Report from COCAL VII by Troy Winters, CUPE 3912 VP TAs Sexton Campus
  • CUPE National Women’s Task Force Survey by Barb Moore, CUPE 3912 President
  • Ontario workers get together
  • Attention SMU 3912 Members
  • Distance Education Issues at The Mount by Jennifer Dimoff and Brenda Hattie, CUPE 3912 members
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