On Thursday September 21 at 7:00 p.m., we will hold our next hybrid Special Membership Meeting to elect the following positions:
- three (3) Dalhousie Vice Presidents,
- one (1) Trustee,
- two (2) members for the Dalhousie negotiating team,
- two (2) members for the MSVU negotiating team, and
- two (2) members for the SMU negotiating team.
Election of Three (3) Dalhousie Vice-Presidents
We seek new Vice Presidents for a September 2023 – March 2024 term:
- Vice-President, Dalhousie University PT Instructors (Halifax)
- Vice-President, Dalhousie TA’s and Markers (Sexton Campus)
- Vice-President, Dalhousie TAs and Markers (Studley Campus)
In the CUPE 3912 Bylaws (Section 9 starting on page 7), are the role descriptions. Bylaw Amendments supported at an August 2023 Special Membership Meeting, now have these roles as being 1 year terms.
New Dalhousie Vice Presidents can expect to be involved with:
- Grievances involving members they represent
- Preparations for the next bargaining round
- Executive meetings
- CUPE 3912 annual budget and Nov. and March General Meetings
Election of one (1) Trustee
CUPE 3912 seeks a candidate to be a trustee.
Trustees do not attend or participate in regular Executive meetings. Their main contribution is in reviewing financial information provided, and documenting how well it conforms to CUPE performance requirements. The main activity will take place this fall in the CUPE Office in the Killam Library at Dalhousie University, as we get caught up on our audits from a few years ago.
In the CUPE 3912 Bylaws (Section 9 (m) starting on page 16), you can find the description of the Trustee role. Trustees receive training and some dollars for their time.
Election of two (2) members for each negotiating team of these three universities: Dalhousie, MSVU, and SMU.
The three Part-time Academic collective agreements of these universities will expire next year on August 31st, 2024 so we need to start preparing for these coming rounds of negotiations (preparing surveys, proposals, posters, etc.)
In the CUPE 3912 Bylaws (Section 17 (1) on page 22), there is more information about the negotiating committee.
If you are potentially interested in contributing to any of these officer or committee positions as a candidate, please contact Renee Dankner, our Office Manager at office@cupe3912.ca.
To RSVP and receive the Zoom link to the meeting or the location if you plan to attend in person, please email Kim Robinson, our Membership Officer.
If you want to attend in-person, the meeting will be at SMU, Loyola 173.