On December 18, at 3 pm, we are holding a virtual general meeting to hold a by-election for a new Vice-President for Saint Mary’s University. Other items may be added to the agenda.
If you are interested in standing for election for this position please contact us. To be nominated, you must attend the meeting or submit your nomination before hand to president.cupe3912@gmail.com.
Nominations of members of marginalized groups are encouraged.
To RSVP for the meeting, contact our Membership Officer, Kim Robinson (kimrobinson1945@icloud.com), by December 16. A link will be sent to those who have RSVP’d prior to the meeting.
All members are welcome.
[gview file=”http://cupe3912.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/146/2020/12/CUPE-Special-GM-December-2020.pdf”]