CUPE 3912 members at Dalhousie are seriously underpaid. This graph shows the per-course hourly rate for Teaching Assistants at Dalhousie and similar sized Universities across Canada, where the majority pay their TAs much more than our members.
On average, Teaching Assistants at comparable Universities are paid up to 45% more than Teaching Assistants at Dalhousie. At Western, the starting Teaching Assistant hourly rate is $48.14.
This must change.
We are currently negotiating a new Collective Agreement to improve working conditions for our members. Our key demand is that CUPE 3912 members be paid wages comparable to similar Universities. We are asking for our members hourly rate be brought up to the average at minimum.
Join the fight for wage parity now. Share this graph on social media with the hashtags #WageParityNow and #MakeItFair.