University Cut Backs: Employment Insurance for Part-Time Faculty

It should not come as a surprise that all our university employers are cutting back on part-time lecturers given their financial pressures. While the reduction in classes in the fall and winter term has been noted, this is likely to accelerate over the course of the summer and next fall. The fall 2025-26 schedules are already out for some departments, and the cuts are quite noticeable. 

While it is not pleasant to know your course load may be reduced, proper planning is important. We invite you to discuss these with your department chair. 

It’s important to know that in the eventuality of a complete loss of course load, you may be eligible for employment insurance (EI) benefits. Applying for employment insurance (EI) can sometimes be tricky for part time faculty, and that is why we are offering this guide to help. 

Employment insurance is a federal program which provides benefits (money) to someone when there is a shortage of work (there are other reasons, but this is the main reason for a part-time lecturer to apply). Benefits vary in value, based on how much income and how many hours you worked in the past. 

What will you need to apply:

  • Records of employments (ROE)

A Record of Employment is a document that states how much you have earned over a period of time and how many hours you have worked (insurable). These are to be requested from the universities as soon as possible. Do so by contacting Human resources at each university:

These documents will be sent directly to Service Canada by the University (even if you don’t have your account setup in step 2)

  • Setup your Service Canada Account 

Visit this page to set up your Service Canada account. Follow the directions to complete your profile. Note that for most applicants, you will receive a PIN code in the mail to then gain full access to your account. This can take time to receive and we would encourage you to set up the account before your contract expires. This would allow you to apply for EI immediately after the end of your contract. Waiting longer than two weeks can result in loss of benefits. 

  • Apply for regular benefits

While there are many types of benefits, part-time faculty who have lost their course load would apply for regular benefits. Note that there is a category of benefits for schoolteachers which does not apply to university work. 

Entering hours and wages from contract work is sometimes tricky. You will likely need to review your contract or contact HR at your institution to find out how many hours per week and at what hourly rate the institution renumerates the position. This varies considerably between universities, and is indicated on your ROE. Making a mistake is not fatal: if you do, contact Service Canada’s EI department  and they will correct the mistake. Unlike other Canadian departments, the waiting time on the phone is usually very short. 

  • By-weekly reporting

After applying and getting approved, you will need to be actively looking for work and able to work to continue receiving benefits. 

  • Sign up to job pools (service Canada provides this)
  • Sign up for CUPE 3912 job notifications 
  • Keep track of your applications of work. Service Canada 
  • Complete your by-weekly reporting. 

You are expected to be available and looking for suitable work. Click here to learn more about reasonable job search and suitable employment. Reasonable job search efforts involve activities like networking and updating your resume in addition to applying for jobs. Keep track of this activity as Service Canada can audit you for it for up to the next six years! 

You will need to report any other money you  receive while on EI; it is likely that it will be deducted from your EI benefits.


I had a teaching contract from Jan- April at Dal, then 2 summer contracts from May to June at the Mount. I also received an offer of contract for September at Dalhousie. Can I apply for EI? 

You most certainly can. Applying between contracts is completely acceptable. Simply ask for your ROE the date your contract ends and complete the EI application.

No Love for Part-time Instructors on Valentine’s Day at the SMU Senate

By Isabel Fearon, Erica Fischer and Karen Harper

On Friday February 14th, we attended as guests the SMU Senate meeting. After two hours of observing the Senate discuss several motions from committees and sometimes revise them to get things passed in a timely manner, we were invited to sit at the table so that we could respond to general questions from Senators when the bylaws committee introduced a motion to allow part-time instructors to vote and run for Senate, subject to some seniority qualifications.

It’s important to note that while a petition on this matter was recently circulated and signed by more than 100 members of the university community, the discussion at Senate was prompted by a motion from the Senate’s own Bylaws Committee and not from the motion we had sent. Their motion included not only an amendment to the definition of Academic Staff to include Part-Time Faculty, as ours did, but also several amendments to include language about the eligibility requirements for PT Faculty to be included in the electorate list.

Under the Saint Mary’s University Act (1970), part-time faculty should be eligible to run for Senate.  “Academic staff” means “the persons employed by the University to carry out teaching or research responsibilities or both” other than students. The current bylaws wrongfully exclude part-time faculty from running for Senate. While the proposed qualifications on part-time faculty Senate participation are not consistent with the Act, the amendment would have been a big step forward. We commend all the work the Bylaws Committee put into preparing this motion. If it had been carried, these amendments would have allowed PT Faculty to participate in Senate elections this coming March.

Unfortunately, even though some Senators appeared open to discussion, most spoke about being in favour of including PT Faculty on Senate but then proceeded to explain how they were not. They expressed their concerns without going through the proposed amendments to see if their concerns were addressed or without indicating specifically how the wording didn’t address their concerns. The apparent desire of a few Senators to shut the discussion down as quickly as possible stating that this is a matter for bargaining when in fact is simply a matter of abiding by the St. Mary’s University Act, combined with the short amount of time allotted for consideration of the motion (which it should be said was extended for an additional 15 minutes), resulted in the motion being relegated back to committee without benefit of feedback or timeline.

Dr. Kocum, who was a vocal advocate, resigned her seat in protest. The reason of her resignation in her own words and with her authorization to publish it follows:

“It was frustrating to witness the deeply patronizing and exclusionary treatment of part-timers. What was most disheartening was the unwillingness of most senators to bend even slightly—refusing to postpone elections by one month, which is entirely in our purview—to allow for a real discussion about inclusion of part-timers this year. Inclusion requires those in power to make space, not just to say the words “I support part-timers being part of Senate” while actively kicking the issue down the road; those on the losing end of power dynamics are all too accustomed to this pattern. Interesting that several senators mentioned being concerned for the unpaid time of part-timers who would serve on Senate, yet they were perfectly willing to have them waste another year advocating. The math just doesn’t math.

Instead of engaging thoughtfully and addressing specific concerns collaboratively, several senators maintained the appearance of inclusion while actively deferring action. This was my final straw, and the reason I resigned. The issue here isn’t about my personal reaction, however—it’s about the broader problem of exclusion where logic, ingenuity, and part-timers’ voices were immaterial against toxic attitudes and the need to maintain the status quo. This toxicity is not unique to part-timers; it generalizes to many areas of progress where those with less power advocate for change. We do have an inclusion policy at SMU, as inclusion is essential for change. It means valuing diverse voices and integrating them into decision-making. The opposite is marginalization, where people look out for their own concerns while sidelining those of others with less power. My emotions signalled the toxicity of this fundamentally exclusionary context. Unlike a canary, though, I had the freedom to bust out to venture where my voice may actually have traction, and I am free to keep on singing.

It’s been 5 years collectively on the Board and Senate and honestly, that display Friday was it.”

This is another step on a long path for us. Bringing this issue to the Senate floor is a win in itself. Already we are trying to determine next steps. The fight is not over, it’s just unfortunate that it is a fight.

Canadian Association of University Teachers Defence Fund and Canadian Union of Public Employees Money and Cents Conference Reports

By JP Bourgeois, CUPE 3912 Secretary-Treasurer

CAUT Defence Fund

I participated in the CAUT Defence Fund Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Montreal October 18-19, 2024. I did so as a participating member, but also a director of the fund. The difference is that a member defends the interest of the local and the director defends the interest of the fund itself. 

What is this fund? 

The CAUT Defence Fund allows paying organizations (which we are) a nominal benefit when we go on strike. That means, if CUPE 3912, would ever go on strike again, the defence fund would pay the local daily benefits until the strike would end. 

How much will be discussed in a separate update as it is dependent on a few factors, but it is substantial, and why the executive last year voted to become participating members of the fund. 

What is interesting with the CAUT fund is that the payments while on strike are done to the local, and not the members. This would allow the local substantially more flexibility in how the funds are used. 

How it went

It was quite interesting to talk to other unions about the problems they faced, particularly with locals in the Maritimes. The impact of hiring freeze, immigration caps were notable topics. 

The CAUT Defence Fund AGM is very specific in scope, which means it’s a 7-hour meeting about bylaw changes and elections to different committees

Joining the Investment committee

It is my pleasure to announce that I was voted on the investment committee of the defence fund for a 1-year term. I will help bring investment proposals to  and do assessments for the defence fund directors. This is great news for the local as it will help us bring forth what will be an investment fund of our own to support the local. 

The next CAUT defence fund AGM will be held in Ottawa in October 2025. 

Applying for funds

We can apply, and are encouraged to apply early to the defence fund. It should be done before the strike vote. 

CUPE money and cents conferences

The week after the CAUT defence fund conference, I was also at the CUPE money and cents conferences right here in Halifax along with the 3 trustees of the Local: Kim Robinson, James Kho, and Wenceslao Amezcua! We participated in various workshops related to finance, which were quite interesting on their own, but also gave us the opportunity to see what other problems unions faced based on their size and situations. 

What was the conference about?

The conference was focused on the finances of locals and was hosted by the CUPE National treasurer, the provincial treasurers, and specialists in the field. 

Topics included a workshop on budgeting, bylaws that touch specifically on finances, accessing the CUPE National fund for cost share events, and general financial literacy. 

What I learned: Union structure and dues

I was most struck by the fact that CUPE 3912 is on the larger size for locals, but that we do not share in the same problems that larger unions have. Notably, we have a very large turnaround in membership, which happens when teaching assistants and part-time faculty find full-time employment. This situation is one that the other locals did not have, meaning that we need to develop a yearly onboarding process. Note that this initiative would have a financial impact on the local, but it could lead to us having more engaged and educated members.

We also learned about the types of dues that local can collect. Our local collects 1.9% of normal wages and pays a bit more than 1% to CUPE National and CUPE NS. This is on the low side of dues collection. This limits our ability to onboard members and defend our members and the local’s interest. 

Remedies could be:

  • Increasing dues. Since the amount CUPE National and CUPE NS take is a fixed percentage, any increase would go directly to the local. Each 0.1 percentage point would most likely generate 20,000$ more in dues a year. 
  • Levy an initiation fee. This could vary between 1 or 10$ for new members. 
  • Levy a specific purpose amount. This could be done to shore up our finances, or other initiatives. 

Given that our local spends almost 95% of its budget on fixed items (dues to organizations, membership fees, administrative cost and salaries) we are left with very little money for other initiatives. 

Recommendation: Do a ‘what if’ exercise to discuss what we would like to do (our dream union) and then work backwards to find the appropriate union due structure to levy. This way we would have a plan and a justification for increasing dues. 

What I learned: Finance Policy

While dues are maybe a more controversial topic, this one should not be. Our local NEEDS a finance policy. Given its size and high turnover, a finance policy would help guide what can and cannot be done with finances at our local level. 

It is a document which is supportive to the local’s bylaws and provides substantially more information to members, and executive. Without being afraid that the financial knowledge gets lost as treasurer or executive changes roles or from change of elections. 

These are professionally prepared documents. 

As the local finds itself wanting to do more events, conferences, educational events, discussions with members, the finance policy will help guide and answer questions surrounding how funds are used. Expense cards, investments, per diems/out of pocket expenses, travel, and accounting practices are but a few topics that it covers. While maybe not an exciting topic, it is a topic that takes a lot of time at the local because we don’t have such a policy


While the CAUT Defence Fund AGM was interesting (and is a conference that we have no choice in attending), the CUPE Money and Cents conference really was the most helpful and gave me a lot of things to bring to the executive and members for more in depth discussions.

2024 Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers Equity Conference Report

By Pouya Morshedi

The Union regularly supports members to be delegates to conferences. Members report back to the Union on what they learned. Pouya Morshedi was CUPE 3912’s delegate to the ANSUT Equity Conference in Fall 2024.

The meeting started at 9:45 A.M. with Dr. Stewart, the ANSUT president, giving a welcoming speech. It continued with Dr. Jones’s poetry reading. Then, Dr. Brigham provided a report on EDIA activities at different levels at NS universities. They did not mention our union specifically in this report. The recommendation for SMUFU is mentioned below. It may be helpful for our union as well.

It would be great to have a compilation of union equity policies and any resources that 

unions can use to enhance and support the improvements on EDIA.”

Fabienne Cyrius, the co-chair of the CAUT Equity Committee, gave the keynote speech. She mentioned some useful practices in other universities and some suggestions regarding the EDIA at universities. I mentioned some of them below.

Already have been done in some other universities:

  • Course release for members undertaking services tied to identities.
  • One university found the role of race and gender of instructors in the way students evaluate them. They decided not to consider these evaluations in instructors’ formal evaluation.
  • Plans and protection for part-time faculties to become permanent faculties.


  • Mandatory EDIA training for “ALL” at universities.
  • The training could be offered by a committee that includes members from the union and university or only union members.
  • A more individual strategy for workplace accommodation. 

The panel on Effective Equity Initiative At NS Universities was the next part of the conference. In this part, participants started asking questions and bringing up the issues. I mentioned the precarity of part-time instructors who may stay in this precarity for years without a path to become a permanent faculty member. I also added the language and rules around permanent residency and its relationship to getting a permanent job in Canadian universities, which put more racialized scholars in precarious job situations. It was supported by some other part-time and full-time instructors in the meeting. I believe that we need more presence of part-time instructors at such meetings. However, the precarity and financial situation of part-time instructors make this presence harder. Some of the points brought up by panellists are mentioned below.

  • Adding a non-voting equity representative to the hiring committee.
  • Having the Equity language in the bargaining process. 
  • A participant suggested using the term “Equity-denied” instead of “Equity-Deserving.”

Dr. Patti Doyle Bedwell was the next speaker to discuss the Erasures: The Colonialization of Indigenous Identity. She mentioned the issues she faced and how some people in power consider “Diversity means Unqualified” in their discussions and decision-making. She also discussed the issue of pretentious people in academia who try to take advantage of Indigenous positions and accommodation. 

Dr. Kubota was the last speaker who discussed the intersectional injustice of race and language. She brought up the hidden forms of prejudice and discrimination that are based on the linguistic profiling. Dr. Kubota addressed language equity and the necessity of considering it in the EDIA discussions.

The conferences ended with a group activity about what was missed and what could be the next step for equity at NS universities. The conference ended at 4 P.M.

Pouya Morshedi (Ph.D. Cand.). has been teaching in the Sociology Department at Saint Mary’s University since Fall 2020. He’s a co-organizer of The Qualitative Analysis Conference; Chair of The Anti-Racism, Representation, and Diversity Committee at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI); and Co-founder of Avalon Research Society He is a qualitative researcher specializing in the sociology of space and place, the sociology of cinema, and the sociology of revolution. He recently published a peer-reviewed article: Home in Cinema and Women at Home: A Comparative Study of Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema from 1969 to 1999

Report on 97th CAUT Council Meeting

The Union regularly supports members to be delegates to conferences. Members report back to the Union on what they learned.

Karen Harper

In November I attended the 97th Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Council Meeting in Ottawa. The reason why I particularly wanted to participate in this Council was that I am submitting my nomination to be Chair of the Contract Academic Staff (CAS) committee. The election will be at the next Council this spring. My participation in the November Council meant that I learned more about the current issues at CAUT and that I could talk to delegates that would be likely to be voting at the election. I accomplished this through numerous conversations with delegates I already knew and by meeting first-time delegates.

It was fortunate that I was at Council because it was there that I found out about the Senate by-election at Saint Mary’s University (SMU; see the Senate petition and update). Cathy Conrad, President of the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU; which represents full-time academics and librarians), helped me navigate through the nomination process and various staff at CAUT provided advice for me and Erica (CUPE 3912’s SMU Vice President for Part-Time Faculty, who I was emailing constantly throughout Council) about our next steps for securing our right to vote and run for SMU Senate.

As with conferences much discussion and socializing goes on outside of the actual meeting, but there were also important agenda items as part of the meeting itself. The most interesting items were the two emergency resolutions from member associations. The first of these, from the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (MSVUFA) was a motion to support the association to get the employer to sign their collective agreement, which they had been neglecting to do for months; simply putting this on the Council agenda worked since the employer signed later that day! The other motion about the working definition of anti-semitism and sanctions of the State of Israel was more controversial and time-consuming. Most of the disagreement related to procedure – does this count as an emergency motion? Can we approve this if we have done so already? Should we do something now or wait? There were multiple amendments and votes resulting in an amended motion being accepted if I remember correctly. The part I really disliked was that one delegate on each side appeared to harass the Chair of Council while he was doing a great job in very challenging circumstances.

Other highlights include a report on a survey of public attitudes of post-secondary education in Canada, in which Brad Lavigne from Counsel Public Affairs (one of Canada’s leading public affairs agencies) summarized the results as saying the Conservative Party will win the next federal election but that most Canadians still value universities and its instructors. There were the usual reports and policy statements including one on distance education. The most important item for us was squeezed in at the last minute just before adjournment. A motion to change the procedure for selecting CAS committee members was approved. Before the committee was composed of the 6 largest CAS member associations plus one each representing middle and small associations. We lost out because of this when we were dropped from the committee years ago when we moved from 6th largest to 7th largest. I am only on the committee now after submitting my nomination three years ago to represent medium-sized associations. But now the rules have changed to be similar to other CAUT committees that are composed of 8 CAS members, regardless of the size of the association. 

CAUT also presented its federal election campaign called Unlock Education and mentioned their January lobbying efforts. CAUT encouraged and provided training for members to meet with their MPs in January. Erica and I participated in the training and met with Member of Parliament Lena Diab a few weeks ago. Our meeting was very successful. We heard about how Lena understands the importance of post-secondary education and how she blames the conservatives for resisting efforts of the Science and Research Committee to achieve things like increasing funding for students and researchers. Our key accomplishment was establishing a connection with one of our MPs and sharing stories about part-time instructors.

I am submitting my nomination to continue to be part of the CAS committee and to be its chair. Stay tuned to find out the results of the election in early May. I believe that it is important that CUPE 3912 and Atlantic Canada have a strong representation in CAUT.

In solidarity,

Karen Harper

Karen Harper continues her dedication and commitment to helping improve working conditions for CUPE 3912 members and contract academic staff across Canada through her roles as a member of the CAUT CAS committee (Canadian Association of University Teachers Contract Academic Staff committee). She also recently joined the committee for COCAL (Coalition of Contract Academic Labour). Her experience with CAUT is extensive, having attended numerous Council meetings, forums (for presidents, bargaining officers), webinars and workshops. Within CUPE 3912, Karen was Communications Officer from 2016 to 2019 followed by President from 2019 to 2022. She currently still helps CUPE 3912, particularly with mobilization for SMU. Karen has taught in Biology at the Mount; in Biology, Management and Environmental Science at Dal; and in Applied Science, Biology, Geography and Environmental Science at SMU. Her main motivation for being involved in the labour movement is to try to get more paid research opportunities for CAS – see her article ‘Working part time in name only’  in the CAUT March 2018 Bulletin. Her research focuses on vegetation at forest edges.


Indigenizing the academy: My experience with Braiding Sweetgrass

Karen Harper

Through my participation in events held by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), I have learned a bit about ‘indigenizing the academy’. CAUT (and others) advocate indigenization through ‘a commitment to undertake proactive measures aimed at restoring, renewing, and regenerating Indigenous practices, languages, and knowledge’. They suggest that Aboriginal content and Indigenous knowledge should be incorporated in curricula but should not result in tokenism, distortion or cultural appropriation.

Although indigenizing the academy should be done at a scale of the entire university by providing appropriate resources, I have been wondering how I might be able to add Indigenous content in my own courses. Indigenization involves expanding the academy’s conceptions of knowledge to include Indigenous perspectives in transformative ways and part of this process is to spread Indigenous knowledge beyond its foundational area to other parts of the institutionI have asked myself: how can I as a non-Indigenous person lacking traditional knowledge teach any indigenous content?

A few years ago a couple of friends (including Lauren Mckenzie, CUPE 3912 President, who asked me to write this article) recommended the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The author is a plant ecologist, professor and environmental scientist, just like me, but she is Potawatomi, born in the United States. The book explains that the braid represents the weaving together of scientific knowledge, Indigenous ways of knowing, and stories. The author uses the three strands to present and discuss ecology and environmental science from these different perspectives. Since I teach in the Environmental Science program at Saint Mary’s University, I thought that this could be a way of including indigenous knowledge in my course.

As I told my students, my idea was to have the author teach us Indigenous knowledge from her perspective, and to have my role as the instructor to be to lead the discussion about her teachings. I assigned several appropriate chapters throughout the course including Skywoman falling, Sitting in a circle, Maple sugar moon, A mother’s work, Old-growth children and The teaching of grass. The book is available online through the SMU library with no restrictions, which made it easy to add to the course readings. 

The students and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the chapters, which read more like a novel than a textbook. I came up with questions that I think highlighted the different perspectives portrayed in the chapters and related them to the course material. We had some good discussions as well, particularly at the start of the course. I also included questions specifically on the assigned chapters in each test to make sure the book was an integral part of the course. One of the questions on the final exam (given to the students in advance) was to explain two environmental issues from the chapters we read from the three perspectives.

I should note that including this book as reading material was my own initiative. I did not go through any consultative process or attend any workshops. Perhaps I should have but it seemed to make sense to incorporate Braiding Sweetgrass into the course. This small step felt like I could make a small difference on my own without imposing on others. I think I made a slight impression on SMU students. I believe that my course was enriched by adding new perspectives. The few students I have talked to who actually read the book agreed.

In solidarity,

Karen Harper

Karen Harper continues her dedication and commitment to helping improve working conditions for CUPE 3912 members and contract academic staff across Canada through her roles as a member of the CAUT CAS committee (Canadian Association of University Teachers Contract Academic Staff committee). She also recently joined the committee for COCAL (Coalition of Contract Academic Labour). Her experience with CAUT is extensive, having attended numerous Council meetings, forums (for presidents, bargaining officers), webinars and workshops. Within CUPE 3912, Karen was Communications Officer from 2016 to 2019 followed by President from 2019 to 2022. She currently still helps CUPE 3912, particularly with mobilization for SMU. Karen has taught in Biology at the Mount; in Biology, Management and Environmental Science at Dal; and in Applied Science, Biology, Geography and Environmental Science at SMU. Her main motivation for being involved in the labour movement is to try to get more paid research opportunities for CAS – see her article ‘Working part time in name only’ in the CAUT March 2018 Bulletin. Her research focuses on vegetation at forest edges.

January 2025 Member Update

The executive board met twice this month. Here’s a brief report on what your union has been doing for you this month.

Collective Bargaining

A Collective Agreement is a contract between your union and your employer that governs our work. It determines issues such as wages, paid sick leave and vacation pay, benefits, and working conditions. Our five bargaining units are actively engaged in a continuous cycle of negotiation with our employers to secure the best deals for our members:

  • Dalhousie TAs and Part-Time Faculty are in the process of consulting with members to finalize their proposals.

  • MSVU Part-Time Faculty have requested dates to negotiate with the Employer

  • NSCAD Instructors will present their financial proposals at the next bargaining meeting on 30 January.

  • SMU Part-Time Faculty started bargaining at the end of the Fall. They have exchanged bargaining proposals with the Employer. They have five bargaining dates scheduled for February.

  • SMU TAs met with the Employer five times this month using a bargaining procedure that is open and transparent. You can find regular updates from the bargaining committee here.

  • Keep up to date with collective bargaining for your unit under the ‘Bargaining’ tab of our website.


The union stands up for members’ labour rights as articulated in the Collective Agreement and under the law. If an employer acts in a way that violates your rights, the Vice President of your unit can address the issue by filing a grievance. This month, CUPE 3912 stood up for members by:

  • Standing up to an administration for hiring Instructors outside the Collective Agreement and hiring TAs to do Part-Time Faculty member’s work

  • Filing a grievance for a Part-Time Faculty member who we believe was discriminated against on the basis of disability through refusal of accommodation

Trustees Audit Report

Our finances are in order! Audits from 2019-2023 have been accepted by CUPE National.

Addressing Risk from Teaching Evaluations at MSVU

At MSVU, a Part-Time Faculty member who receives two unsatisfactory evaluations in two of four consecutive terms can be removed from the precedence list. Without precedence, an Instructor will likely lose their job. Unfortunately, teaching evaluations aren’t based on merit alone: they can reflect department chair bias, use of academic freedom, and student complaints that may be unfounded. The union is ready to help Instructors understand and appropriately respond to unsatisfactory evaluations.

Fighting for Senate Representation for Part-Time Instructors at SMU

Part-Time Faculty are currently ineligible to vote and serve on Senate at SMU; despite teaching a third of the University’s courses, they have no say in educational policy. This ineligibility is because the Senate bylaws do not recognize Part-Time Faculty as academic staff—despite the Saint Mary’s University Act saying otherwise. Part-Time Faculty teach a third of the University’s courses and should have a say in educational policy, especially as the University faces budgetary challenges that are leading to program changes. You can help by signing this petition to advocate for the Senate by-laws to be amended to include Part-Time Faculty.

Your union needs your engagement! To get involved, please reach out here.

SMU Senate Petition

Part-time Faculty are currently ineligible to vote and serve on the Saint Mary’s University Senate.

CUPE 3912 members teach one third of SMU courses but have no say in ‘educational policy‘ including courses of study, admission standards, diploma qualifications, and the creation, maintenance, and discontinuance of faculties and departments.

This ineligibility is because the Senate bylaws do not recognize part-time faculty as academic staff—despite the Saint Mary’s University Act saying otherwise. A year ago, the Senate by-law committee agreed on proposing a bylaws amendment that would enable PT Faculty to vote and serve on Senate. Unfortunately, there has not been much progress. Check the update on shared governance at SMU.

It is time for us to act. Our participation in shared governance at SMU is particularly important as we face budgetary challenges leading to program changes throughout the university.

Part-time faculty should be eligible to vote and serve on the Saint Mary’s University Senate.

 You can help by signing our petition to put more pressure on the SMU Senate to align their bylaws with the University Act and include part-time instructors in the governance of the university. The SMU Senate needs to finish the process of amending the bylaws NOW so we can vote and run in the upcoming Senate elections in March.

For more information see:

Sign our petition here.

Update on shared governance at SMU: INACTION from the Senate and ACTION from us

About a year ago I wrote an article for the newsletter about shared governance at SMU. Unfortunately there has not been much progress on updating the Senate bylaws to indicate that we are eligible to vote and run for Senate. So, when I found out that there was a second call for nominations for a Senate by-election in November, I submitted my nomination. I was promptly told that I was ineligible according to the Senate by-laws. I then suggested that they amend the bylaws at the upcoming Senate meeting in December and was told to be patient because it would take longer. They will not commit to amending the bylaws in time for the 2025 Senate elections.

Erica Fischer (CUPE 3912 SMU VP) and I agree that although the SMU Senate might be moving in the right direction with their intent to amend the bylaws, the process is taking too long. CUPE 3912 first brought this issue to their attention in 2016 and I started discussions with the Senate bylaws committee in 2019 – more than 5 years ago. Last year I was told that the bylaws could not be amended before the regular 2024 Senate elections but that once the amendments were passed I could run for a Senate by-election. Now there has been a Senate by-election for which no full-time faculty submitted their nomination in the first round and my nomination was deemed ineligible. CUPE 3912 has filed a judicial review, which asks the court to review the decision to consider my nomination ineligible. We are arguing that it should be eligible according to the University Act, which has priority over the Senate bylaws.

It is time for us to act. Our participation in shared governance at SMU is particularly important as we face budgetary challenges leading to program changes throughout the university. You can help by signing our petition to put more pressure on the SMU Senate to align their bylaws with the University Act and include part-time instructors in the governance of the university. The SMU Senate needs to finish the process of amending the bylaws NOW so we can vote and run in the upcoming Senate elections in March.

In solidarity,

Karen Harper
CUPE 3912 member at SMU and MSVU
Former CUPE 3912 President and Communications Officer

General Membership Meeting — November 27, 2024

There is a hybrid general membership meeting on Wednesday November 27, 2024, at 7 p.m.

The proposed agenda is below. This meeting will include the Treasurer’s Report, and approving a proposed budget for next year.

To review the proposed budget and other reports, see the link sent to your emails.

Clari Room
Atrium 340
Saint Mary’s University

The zoom link was sent to your email.

Proposed Agenda

  1. Territorial acknowledgement
  2. Roll call of Officers
  3. Reading of Equality Statement
  4. Voting on new members and initiation
  5. Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting
  6. Matters arising
  7. Treasurer’s report and approving expenditures
    • Financial Report
    • Proposed budget
  8. Correspondence
  9. Executive Board report
  10. Reports of committees and delegates
  11. Nomination, elections, or oath of office
  12. Unfinished business
  13. New business
  14. Good of the Union
  15. Adjournment

All members are welcome.