“The Invisible Academic”

Members of CUPE 3912 will be participating in a forum entitled “The Invisible Academic” during Fair Employment Week, hosted by the Dalhousie Faculty Association. For details, follow the link below:


MSVU All Union BBQ

The MSVU Faculty Association will host the MSVU All Union BBQ on Friday, September 19, 2014, between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm at Vinnie’s.

All MSVU union members are invited to drop in during their lunch breaks for a BBQ lunch. Please RSVP to Linda.Mann@MSVU.ca if you plan to attend (and if you already know, let her know approximately what time you will attend, so she can have an idea of when the best time would be to have a few people speak). Any questions, also contact Linda.

CUPE Nova Scotia seeking younger workers

CUPE Nova Scotia is seeking young worker members to sit on identified standing committees. We encourage our young worker members to submit their names for a committee position. A young worker is 30 years of age or younger. All four committees will have one young worker member appointed to the committee.

The following committees have vacant young worker positions:
. Global Justice Committee
. Education Committee
. Health & Safety
. Privatization and Contracting Out Committee

Members making an application should briefly describe a bit about themselves, experiences. and why they are interested in holding the position. The application should be forwarded in writing or e-mail prior to September 25, 2014 to the following address:

Jim Laverie, Recording Secretary
CUPE Nova Scotia
5256 Highway 340, Forest Glen, Nova Scotia, B5A 5P9

Email: Laverie@eastlink.ca

New Article in MSVU Collective Agreement

Article 26: Transition to the Agreement

26.2.1 Wages for all employees shall be retroactive to September 1, 2012, or the date of hire, if later. Employees who have not held a contract with the Employer in the academic year 2013-14 shall be entitled to retroactivity upon giving the Employer notice within 30 days of the signing of this agreement

*This article is applicable only to the Mount St. Vincent University agreement. It is effective for 30 days after May 22.

Job Posting – Part-time Faculty Liaison

CUPE local 3912 has an opportunity for a motivated part-time faculty member who is interested in becoming more involved in the union that represents part-time faculty at Dalhousie, Mount St. Vincent, and St. Mary’s Universities. Applicants should be outgoing and be able to talk to small/medium size groups of people. No previous work experience with unions is required.

Working with, and reporting to, the local’s Executive Committee, the goals of this position are to contact, educate and mobilize CUPE 3912’s part-time faculty. The liaison will develop and use e-mail lists to notify members of events, bargaining updates, etc.

The liaison will be responsible for the following tasks:

1) Be responsible for co-ordinating effective communication between the Executive of CUPE 3912 and its membership.

2) Organize meetings either members either individually or in groups to provide information or obtain feedback.

3) Organize meetings between the vice-presidents (or other members of the Executive) and the membership.

4) Recruit stewards and collaborate with the vice-presidents to facilitate regular meetings of the stewards at the different universities.

5) In co-operation with the communications officer, develop educational and promotional materials such as ads, posters, and pamphlets and arrange for their distribution.

6) Provide a written report to the Executive.

7) Attend executive meetings at the discretion of the executive.

8) Attend CUPE 3912 general meetings.

The liaison must be a part-time faculty member at Dalhousie, Mount St Vincent or St. Mary’s and a member in good standing of CUPE 3912. Necessary Training will be provided.
While the time commitment will vary as issues dictate, the expected time commitment of the position is 10 hours per week.

Salary: Hourly rate will be $21.52.

Application deadline: March 21, 2014

Applications should be submitted to: Cupe3912@dal.ca

The Status of Contract Negotiations at Saint Mary’s

Negotiations for a 2012-2015 contract for CUPE 3912 resumed in November 2013 after a hiatus due to a series of delays over the summer. Bargaining sessions have been discontinued. We have yet to discuss monetary issues as outstanding differences remain over a number of key non-monetary issues. These issues are important to the Union as they involve job security. One of the major goals for the Union in this round of bargaining is to strengthen what little job security members have. After the last meeting, the Union felt it unproductive to continue, and on Feb. 14, 2014, CUPE formally requested that a Conciliator be appointed to assist the parties in concluding a renewal agreement.

CUPE Nova Scotia Celebrate Black History Month

The fight for human rights in our workplaces makes better workplaces for all. CUPE Nova Scotia is celebrating Black History Month by hosting a discussion with Captain Kevin Reade, one of the leaders of the Halifax Black Firefighters Association’s recent and historic successful Human Rights challenge.

Dignitaries from Halifax’s African-Nova Scotian community including Halifax Regional School Board Member, Melinda Daye, and our Poet Laureate, El Jones, will be joining for what is hoped will be a lively discussion on Restorative Justice practices and the struggle for equality in the workplace.

When: Saturday, February 22

Where: Cornwallis Street Baptist Church, 5457 Cornwallis Street, Halifax

Along with some lively discussion and debate, there will be great food, good company and great entertainment.