Understanding our Code of Conduct

As CUPE members, staff, and elected officers, we commit to one another and to the union to be governed by the principles of the Code of Conduct and agree to:

  • Respect the views of others, even when we disagree.
  • Recognize and value individual differences.
  • Communicate openly.
  • Support and encourage each other.
  • Make sure that we do not harass or discriminate against each other.
  • Commit to not engaging in offensive comments or conduct.
  • Make sure that we do not act in ways that are aggressive, bullying, or intimidating.
  • Take responsibility for not engaging in inappropriate behaviour due to use of alcohol or other drugs while participating in union activities, including social events.

A complaint regarding the Code of Conduct will be handled as follows:

  1. If possible, a member may attempt to deal directly with the person alleged to have engaged in behaviour contrary to the Code by asking them to stop such behaviour. If that is not possible, or if it does not resolve the problem, a member may bring forward a complaint.
  2. Any member can bring a complaint to the attention of the Membership Officer, who has been properly appointed by CUPE3912 Executive Committee and designated to be in charge of receiving behavior complaints from members to enhance the rights and obligations outlined in our bylaws and the CUPE constitution.
  3. The Membership Officer will work to seek a resolution. If this fails to resolve the matter, the Membership Officer shall report the matter to the Executive Committee. The Membership Officer has the authority to expel members from a meeting or other event for serious or persistent offences.
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