On Tuesday March 26 at 7 p.m., the Annual General Membership Meeting (AGM) will be held in-person and online (hybrid). At this meeting, the following Executive Officer positions will be up for election:
- President
- Recording Secretary
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Communications Officer
- Membership Officer
- One (1) Trustee (3 year term)
- Up to 6 members of the Newsletter and Education Committee
- Up to 6 members of the Bylaws Committee
All members of the Local are eligible for nomination for these positions. Learn more about these opportunities here. Members interested in standing for election to any of these roles can contact Renee Danker, our Office Manager, to put their name forward as candidates. Members can also be nominated at the meeting.
In Person location: Room 224 of the Dalhousie Student Union Building (6136 University Avenue).
Zoom link: Contact Kim Robinson, our membership officer