
Negotiating Committees

These committees prepare collective bargaining proposals and negotiate collective agreements with the respective Employers. For precise mandates, see our Bylaws.

Bylaws Committee

This committee reviews the bylaws annually ensuring that the proposed amendments will conform to the remainder of the bylaws and the CUPE National Constitution. The committee checks and ensures that the Local Union’s bylaws are written in clear language, and that clear language does not change the intent or meaning of the bylaws. Finally, the committee presents any amendments to the membership for approval at a Membership Meeting. This committee will be composed of at least 3 and no more than 6 members in good standing elected at a Membership Meeting and the Recording-Secretary.


  • Cameron Ells
  • Aiden Farrant, Recording-Secretary
  • Erica Fischer
  • Greg Nepean
  • Carlos Pessoa
  • Mohammad Ramezani
  • Shehzeen

Communications Committee

The Education and Newsletter committee, chaired by the Communications Officer, is responsible for conducting research and preparing communications with our membership. The committee also assists the Communications Officer in the production of two newsletters per academic year and engages in public relations by issuing press releases and reporting on issues of concern to our members in both on and off-campus media. Finally, the committee is responsible for arranging representation of our union local at appropriate public events.


  • Wenceslao Amezcua
  • Tanya Bilsbury, Communications Officer
  • Janet Fu
  • Greg Nepean
  • Mohammad Ramezani
  • Kim Robinson
  • Shehzeen

Strike Committees

These committees are dedicated to ensuring an efficient and effective strike aversion and strike campaigns.

Legacy Committees

In the past, we had a number of committees on specific issues. Consider reviving any of these committees as a way to contribute to the improvement of your workplace, solidarity among workers, and justice in our society.

To join or restart a committee, please contact us.

Anti-Racism and Human Rights Committee

The Anti-Racism and Human Rights Committee addresses the many forms of discrimination that occur within our union, our communities, and the world. By engaging our members, collaborating with community groups, and participating in international solidarity campaigns, this committee targets discrimination based on race, sex, gender, and ability. This committee also fights for the rights of aboriginal peoples, immigrants and refugees, and advocates for real employment equity.

Environmental Action Committee

The Environmental Action Committee addresses matters of environmental sustainability in the workplace by engaging in public education campaigns and by developing environmental provisions to be included in our Collective Agreements.

Health and Safety Committee

The Health and Safety Committee seeks to improve the protection of our members against occupational diseases, illness, and injury. Our members face a wide range of on-the-job health and safety hazards. This committee conducts research, educates and communicates with members about current and emerging health and safety hazards, and develops provisions relating to health and safety to be included in our Collective Agreements.

Political Action Committee

The Political Action Committee took an active role in the various campaigns in which our union was engaged. This committee also engaged in lobbying various levels of government in the interest of our members and acts as a political voice for our members on campus, across the province, and in Ottawa.

Women’s Committee

The Women’s Committee is a place for women to share experiences and learn from one another, strategize and organize around issues, educate themselves and the membership about issues affecting women, and provide support for one another. A Women’s Committee ensures a voice and a place for women in our union and our labour movement.

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