
Please Note:

Prospective job candidates are URGED to check with the respective department, dean, or payroll office for a more detailed description of qualifications. DO NOT apply for jobs via CUPE 3912, but directly with the contact person for each job posting. omome departments may accept applications online; others might not. It is our recommendation that you include a COMPLETE CV with every application, even if it is not requested.

Jobs are listed newest-to-oldest and expired job postings are periodically archived.




Spring 2025 Available Courses

QUALIFICATIONS: Relevant Masters or Doctoral Degree and previous experience instructing equivalent university course(s).  Relevant industrial experience is an asset.  

NEW APPLICANTS:  Applicants who have no previous experience instructing courses for the Management Department should provide a cover letter, CV, two letters of reference and supporting documents for the courses they are applying to teach (e.g., course outlines, course evaluations, tests and assignments used, transcripts and detailed information on relevant industrial experience).  

DUTIES: Course preparation, teaching, student consultation, distribution of instructor evaluation questionnaires, marking and grading, invigilation of final exam (if scheduled), submission of grades in accordance with University procedures and deadlines, involvement in student appeals (if applicable), and other duties as deemed necessary. 

SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with precedence level and in accordance with the current pay scales as set out in the Collective Agreement between Saint Mary’s University and CUPE 3912.

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by end of day April 8, 2025.

TO APPLY: Please send your application to and copy John Fiset at Please note “Spring25 PT Teaching” in the subject box of your emails.  Qualified applicants who have precedence under the Collective Agreement with CUPE 3912 will be given first consideration for appointment.   


31389 MGMT 2382 1 Intro to Organiz Behaviour TBA TBA TBA 05/05 to 6/21 REMOTE Faculty of Sobey School of Bus and On-Campus


Position Title Part-Time Academic (MGMT 5010 (Online) /MGMT 5210 (Intensive) Project Management – Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2807P
Department/Unit Information Science
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities
Part-time Academic needed to teach MGMT 5010 (Online) /MGMT 5210 (Intensive) “Project Management” Course for Dalhousie University’s Master of Information Management Program
Term: Spring/Summer 2025 term.

The Dalhousie University Master of Information Management program is delivered in a blended on-line/distance delivery and in some cases face-to-face intensive format. The program was designed to meet the unique needs of working professionals in information management sector; this program is unique in Canada.

The program requires delivery/teaching of course materials for its Project Management, which will include 12 weeks of distance education and a 2-day online intensive component. To this end, this call for expressions of interest is being circulated with the aim of securing the participation of an appropriate academic instructor in this subject area. The course has an approved syllabus; and the course developer will have some flexibility to amend this.

This project management will discuss and review the core concepts of project management to give students a good baseline understanding of what project management is and how you can use it to manage small and large projects. We will discuss both theory and real project experiences. The students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a team project that will demonstrate what project management is about when working with a small team on a time limited project. Course start date: Spring/Summer 2025 (i.e., May 5, 2025 – with intensive to be held the week of August 10 – final date to be determined)
Qualifications/Requirements of Position
    • Prepare for and present the required course material for the distance portion of the course using available on-line tools and technologies
    • Preparation and grading of all assignments.
    • Prepare for and present the required course material for the intensive study portion of the course, including preparation and grading of all assignments.
    • Supervise and maintain responsibility for regular student contact through the course site during the distance education portion of the course and provide a venue that supports student engagement and learning.
    • Meeting strict deadlines and delivery schedules


If you are interested in working on this project as a content expert, please submit an expression of interest including:
  1. curriculum vitae
  2. a peer reference
  3. recent university course evaluations from graduate courses taught by yourself
  4. a student reference
  5. an example of published work similar to that required for the program
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 – $10,000 (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. In accordance with our Employment Equity Policy, preference will be given in hiring processes to candidates who self-identify as members of one or more of the equity-deserving groups listed above. For more information, including details related to our Employment Equity Policy and Plan and definitions of equity-deserving groups please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment May – June 2025
Open Date
Close Date 03/31/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier





SALARY RANGE:  Commensurate with precedence level and in accordance with the current pay scale for half courses (.5 FCE) as set out in the Collective Agreement between Saint Mary’s University and CUPE 3912.

CLOSING11:59pm, Monday, March 24, 2025.

APPLICATION: Please apply electronically to, with a cover letter and resume. 

Qualified applicants who have precedence under the Collective Agreement with CUPE 3912 will be given first consideration for appointment.


Spring: May-June 2025
CRN Course Title Time Delivery Mode
50743 MKTG 6675 1   Multinational Marketing TR 05:30pm-08:29pm Campus

DESCRIPTION MKTG 6675: A comprehensive survey of the nature and environment of multinational marketing. This course focuses on the marketing management aspects of multinational business. Emphasis is placed on developing analytical decision-oriented abilities in the area of multinational pricing, product, policy, distribution, promotion, research and development, and market segmentation.

QUALIFICATIONS:  Master of Business Administration, concentration in Marketing 

EXPERIENCE: This position requires experience teaching marketing courses at the university level; relevant industry experience is an asset. 

DUTIES:  Course preparation, teaching, student consultation, distribution of instructor evaluation questionnaires, marking and grading, invigilation of final exam (if scheduled), submission of grades in accordance with University procedures and deadlines, involvement in student appeals.



Position Title Part-Time Academic (BUSI 6219) Topics in Investment – Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2789P
Department/Unit Finance
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

BUSI 6219, Topics in Investment – Summer 2025

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following elective course in the Dalhousie MBA program from May 5th to June 20th. This course is taught online synchronous to both early career Corporate Residency MBA students, as well as mid-career MBA Career Advance students. We expect this group to be more the latter, rather than the former. This course is part of Dalhousie graduate certificate in Finance. It mixes online asynchronous lectures released weekly with discussion/application oriented synchronous sessions for 1.5 hours weekly on MSTeams. While this is 1.5 credit course, faculty will be paid as if it is a 3.0 credit course – as this is the first time it has been offered. A syllabus with learning outcomes has already been developed. Please see the course description below:

This course is designed to introduce students to selected investment topics. More specifically, the course includes an overview of bond characteristics and its valuation, term structure of interest rates, bond portfolio management, investment performance evaluation, and issues in international investments. A considerable effort will be made to compare investment approaches suggested in various theories with the activities of investment managers on the street.

Location: Online Asynchronous and Synchronous – Students joining from time zones across the country. Particularly from Halifax, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position


A Master’s degree is required. Completion of a DBA, PhD or a PhD in progress would be preferred. The successful applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter, and an established record of effective teaching experience. Priority will be given to candidates with relevant professional experience in finance and those holding recognized professional certifications (e.g., CFA, CPA, FRM). The successful candidate must also be able to meet the AACSB accrediting body academic or professional qualification requirements, in addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements.

Duties included but are not limited to:

The Part-Time academic will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test preparation and evaluation. The part-time academic should be available for two hours per week (online) for consultation with students. The part-time academic reports to the Finance Department Chair (Dr. Najah Attig), but liaises with the MBA Program Director (Dan Shaw) and Program Manager (Heather Swinamer).

Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. In accordance with our Employment Equity Policy, preference will be given in hiring processes to candidates who self-identify as members of one or more of the equity-deserving groups listed above. For more information, including details related to our Employment Equity Policy and Plan and definitions of equity-deserving groups please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment May – June 2025
Open Date
Close Date 03/03/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Consumer Behaviour
Course Code: BUSI*3331*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: T 04:00PM – 06:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Digital Marketing Analytics for Business and Tourism
Course Code: BUSI*3330*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA with course work that relates

to the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their application
package what specific courses they have taken and how they relate to the
subject and their experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated
course and instructors are required to follow the course guidelines
including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Applied Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*2231*15*19
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: W 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).


If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Organizational Behaviour I: Individuals in Organizations
Course Code: BUSI*2214*01
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TTH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Management preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or
a MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Communications & Self-Management Skills
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*2202*02
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: MW 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Communications, or a MBA with management and/or communication course work
that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their
application package what specific courses they have taken and how they
relate to the subject and their experience in university teaching. This is
a coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the course
guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Marketing Strategy and Management
Course Code: BUSI*4434*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: W 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or an
MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Values in a Business Society: Issues and Analysis
Course Code: BUSI*4412*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Finance II
Course Code: BUSI*3361*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: MW 06:00PM – 08:00PM

Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Finance preferred or MBA in Finance is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).


If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Finance II
Course Code: BUSI*3361*01
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: MW 09:30AM – 12:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Finance preferred or MBA in Finance is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Not for Profit Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*3338*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: M 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Three to Five years recent managerial or marketing experience in the
non-profit sector is required. Applicants should highlight in their

application package what specific courses they have taken and how they
relate to the subject and their experience in university teaching. This is
a coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the course
guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Personal Selling and Sales Management
Course Code: BUSI*3334*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TH 04:00PM – 06:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).


If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Accounting II
Course Code: BUSI*2322*01
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TTH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Recruitment and Selection
Course Code: BUSI*4417*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: W 08:15PM – 10:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Research for Business and Tourism
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*4430*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: MW 04:00PM-06:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have a MBA with Business Research
Methods course work that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should
highlight in their application package what specific courses they have
taken and how they relate to the subject and their experience in
university teaching. This is a coordinated course and instructors are

required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams and
teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Advanced Accounting II
Course Code: BUSI*4424*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: T 06:00PM – 09:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Management Information Systems
Course Code: BUSI*4415*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: TH 08:15PM – 10:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have a MBA, preferably in Management, or
a MBA or MBA, CPA with management course work related that relates to the
subject matter.  Knowledge of COBIT, IT Governance, IT Systems, Business
Processes, Data Management, Database Systems, Controls, Regulatory
Requirements, Disaster Recovery, IT decision-making and other MIS concepts
are required. Applicants should highlight in their application package
what specific courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject
and their experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course
and instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).


If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Integrated Marketing Communication
Course Code: BUSI*3339*01
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: T 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector
Course Code: BUSI*2601*01*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: M 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. Three to five years recent managerial
experience in the non-profit sector is required and should be highlighted
in the application package. This is a coordinated course and instructors
are required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams
and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and

exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Mi’kmaw/Indigenous Tourism
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*2307*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: M 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
Applicants with a Masters in Business Administration or Tourism, a
combination of a relevant undergraduate degree and experience or a PHD in
business or Tourism are welcomed to apply for this position. The
successful candidate must have three to five years recent experience
working in the Mi’kmaw/Indigenous tourism industry or in a leadership role
in Mi’kmaw/Indigenous communities, along with recent and relevant
experience working directly in Mi’kmaw/Indigenous communities. Please be
advised that candidates must clearly indicate how their education and
experience align with the course in their application package.

Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Applied Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*2231*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: W 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Applied Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*2231*01
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: MW 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Business Administration
Course Code: BUSI*1112*01
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: MW 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Business preferred or MBA in Business is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025


Position Title Part-Time Academic MGMT/COMM 4901: Applied Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2777P
Department/Unit Strategy, Entr. & Int. Business
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Summer term from May to August 2024: MGMT/COMM 4901 Applied Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course (including tutorial labs where applicable), preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment and assurance of learning, and regular office for direct consultation by students.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position

This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. Candidates must have demonstrated good knowledge of the subject matter and an established record of teaching experience and effectiveness.

The successful applicant will report directly to the Director of the Program and must be able to meet the academic or professional requirements of accrediting bodies (AACSB). A Master’s degree in Business, Management, or a related field is essential. Completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress or related work experience in practice are considered to be an asset.

Salary Range/Pay Rate Per CUPE Collective Agreement
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment May – August 2025
Open Date
Close Date 02/17/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier




Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Semester: Spring 2026

Salary: $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).


Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5270 Field Research and Study Tour (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values). The applicant must have proven experience of teaching study tours abroad.

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 20, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Semester: Spring 2026

Salary:  $4125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

 Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5161 Digital Transformation (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and digital transformation. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate success in mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.).

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.


Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (CME) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time 

Semester: Winter 2026

Salary: $4125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5180 Strategic Advantage (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert levelscholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professional, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).  

The applicants must have a background in co-operative strategy and development, including a robust understanding of the co-operative ecosystem, the interaction of federations and co-operative networks, as well as a deep analysis on strategic issues relating to co-operative role in serving complex member needs.  The applicants should be fluent in the co-operative advantage as a values-based, member-owned business as well as how loyalty is created within a democratic organization. Familiarity with shared surplus models and patronage as well as other member benefit models is an asset.  


Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.


About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Semester: Winter 2026

Salary: $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).


Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5280 Marketing the Advantage (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have an applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance and who can interpret non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and apply them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values). Applicants with a PhD degree in Strategic Marketing will be given preference. Demonstrated publication record in well recognized journals. Teaching experience in courses on marketing specific for the co-operative sector is required.

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Semester: Winter 2026

Salary: $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5230 Financial Management (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).
The applicants must have an applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance and who can interpret non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and apply them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values). 
The applicants must have a demonstrated experience teaching curriculum for co-operatives, charities, and/or nonprofits in accounting and finance modules. Expertise on leading modules on Managing Not for Profits, Social Enterprise and Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility and the social economy are an asset. The ideal candidate is required to have an established network with co-operatives and community groups. Expertise working in research and collaboration in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives is necessary.

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Winter 2026

Salary: $4125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5121 Governance and Participation (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. Professional designations and certifications in governance are an asset. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with governance scholars and practitioners; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; have hands-on experience as a Board Member or expert advisor on governance with co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Winter 2026

Salary: $4125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5121 Governance and Participation (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. Professional designations and certifications in governance are an asset. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with governance scholars and practitioners; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; have hands-on experience as a Board Member or expert advisor on governance with co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Semester: Fall 2025

Salary:  $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC6000 Master’s Research Project (Co-operative enterprises) (6 credits), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).  

The applicants must have a PhD Degree, preference given to degrees in Community Development. Expertise in teaching research methodology courses for co-operative professionals, and teaching and directing major research project courses in the co-operative sector. Proven expertise in conducting and directing research projects in the following areas: co-operatives, sustainability, impact and performance assessment for co-operatives, community, social, economic, environmental impact of co-operatives, and community economic development. Expertise in writing case studies, teaching cases, and conducting research using different methodologies is required

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Fall 2025

Salary: $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5340 Co-operative Business Strategy

 (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, co-operative strategy and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Fall 2025

Salary: $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

 Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5210 Current Issues (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.


About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Fall 2025

Salary:  $8250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5206 Organizational Behaviour and Leadership (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Fall 2025


Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5170 The Enterprise Model (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Fall 2025


Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

 Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5110 Global Economy and Society (3 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 


At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.


About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Fall 2025

Salary: $4125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5101 History of the Movement (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2025. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2052 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Semester: Spring 2025

Salary: $4,125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).


Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

 Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5390 Research Methods for Co-operatives

 (Co-operative enterprises) (1.5 credits), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach research methods to working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).  

The applicants must have expertise in teaching research methodology courses for co-operative professionals. Expertise in conducting research using different methodologies is required

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on December 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: January 20, 2025 

Posting Deadline: February 15, 2025 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Semester: Spring 2025

Salary: $4,125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  


Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”


Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).


Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

 Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5350 Co-operative Lifecycle (1.5 credits) (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on February 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits.



Position Title Part-Time Academic (BUSI 5801: International Business) – Fall 2025
Posting Number PTAP2766P
Department/Unit Marketing
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach BUSI 5801 International Marketing Management for fall of 2025.

Duties included but are not limited to:
The Part-Time academic will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test preparation and evaluation. The part-time academic should be available for three hours per week (either online or in-person) for consultation with students. The part-time academic reports to the Program Director.

BUSI 5801 International Business is a core course in Dalhousie’s MBA program delivered to early career MBA students in a face-to-face manner to Corporate Residency pathway students. Please see the course description below:

This course provides a survey treatment of international businesses that will benefit all MBA students and build a foundation for those proposing future study in this area. For students not going on in the field, it provides the tools needed to manage the interdependence between domestic and international markets.


· Lecture
· Seminar
· Simulation
· Discussion

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
Our preference would be for a candidate with a PhD or a at minimum a someone with a Masters or MBAwith coursework/work experience in international business. This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching and excellent communication skills. Previous teaching experience will be an asset. The successful applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter, and an established record of effective teaching experience. The successful candidate must also be able to meet the Faculty of Management’s accrediting body (AACSB) academic or professional qualification requirements.
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment September-December 2025
Open Date
Close Date 01/03/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic (BUSI 5103: Business Accounting) – Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2764P
Department/Unit Accountancy
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

(BUSI 5103: Business Accounting) – Summer 2025

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the summer term from June 16 to August 29 2024. The academic will develop and teach the course. This course will be delivered in the person. Students are in Dalhousie’s Corporate Residency MBA program, which consists of students between 22-26. It is an early career, co-op program.

Live classes: Thursdays 8:35 a.m. – 11:25 a.m. AST

Tutorial sessions: Thursdays 1:05 p.m. to 2:25 p.m.

Course Description:
This course introduces the principles and practices used to process and communicate financial information about an organization to various stakeholders. To be a competent manager, you must have some degree of accounting literacy and a critical appreciation of the subject. A portion of this course examines the challenges of financial accounting and is focused on understanding and interpreting the financial statements. The other portion of the course explores the use of accounting information to assist managers with internal decision making. This is a user-oriented course which emphasizes hands-on exploration, analysis, and evaluation of accounting concepts.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
An MBA degree, along with a CPA designation is required. This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching. The successful applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter, and an established record of effective teaching experience in accounting at the graduate level (or teaching in the CPA program). Preference will be given to those who have an established record of practical experience and high teaching evaluations in a graduate program.The successful candidate must also be able to meet the Program’s accrediting body (AACSB) academic or professional qualification requirements.Duties included but are not limited to:
The Part-Time academic will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test preparation and evaluation. The part-time academic should be available for two hours per week for consultation with students (in addition to teaching and tutorials). The part-time academic reports to the Director of the Department and liaises with the Director of MBA Program and Area Coordinator.
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment September-December 2025
Open Date
Close Date 01/03/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic (BUSI 5401: Marketing Management) – Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2763P
Department/Unit Marketing
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach BUSI 5401 Marketing Management– June 16th – August 29th, 2024

Duties included, but are not limited to: The Part-Time academic will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test preparation and evaluation. The part-time academic should be available for three hours per week (either online or in-person) for consultation with students. The part-time academic reports to the Program Director.

Marketing Management is the core marketing course in Dalhousie’s MBA program. Please see the course description below:

Marketing is the business function responsible for understanding the needs of consumers, suppliers and retailers and for creating value for these and other stakeholder groups. As such, it is more than a department within a firm – it is a function that must be undertaken on a company-wide basis. Marketing drives choices about what markets to serve and which needs to satisfy, about what partnerships and relationships to pursue, about product and service design, about prices that can be levied, and about the channels that can best be used for distribution and communication.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
A Masters or MBA with extensive coursework in marketing is required to teach this course. This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching and excellent communication skills. Previous teaching experience will be an asset. The successful applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter, and an established record of effective teaching experience. The successful candidate must also be able to meet the Faculty of Management’s accrediting body (AACSB) academic or professional qualification requirements.
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment September-December 2025
Open Date
Close Date 01/03/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic BUSI 5508: Micro Economics – Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2761P
Department/Unit Faculty of Management – General
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

Course Description (Summer 2024):

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course from July 22nd – August 29th, 2025. Class is delivered intensively in the summer (Friday 8:30am to 4pm approximately). The morning generally consists of a three hour lecture slot, and then the afternoon is a typically used for application.

BUSI 5508 – Micro Economics (This course is delivered intensely over the summer to our full-time Corporate Residency MBA students. The Corporate Residency MBA is a career launching program).
Domestic and international markets, government policy and central bank decisions present opportunities, challenges, and threats to the operating and competitive decisions of business owners, managers, and investors. This class provides a framework for the economic analysis of these issues. The main objective of this course is to provide a concise treatment of the fundamentals of economics, as the study of how economic agents allocate scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants in a modern market economy such as Canada. Microeconomics studies the behavior of individual households, firms, and industries, so we will focus on determining how households decide how much to consume, and on how firms decide how much to produce, of various goods and services. We will pay particular attention to the central role of prices.
Qualifications/Requirements of Position

A Masters or PhD degree is required. The successful applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter and practical experience as well as established a consistent record of effective teaching. Excellent oral/written and presentation skills are required. The successful candidate must also be able to meet the Faculty of Management’s accrediting body (AACSB) academic or professional qualification requirements.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test preparation and evaluation. They should be available for each week for individual and group consultations with students. The Part-Time Academic reports to the Director of the MBAProgram and the Summer MBA Curriculum Committee.
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6478 per course (as per CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All offers of employment as a Part-Time Academic are conditional upon sufficient student enrolment in the course and approval by the University. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

The successful candidate will be required to provide proof of full vaccination or may seek an accommodation from Dalhousie’s vaccine requirements on grounds protected under provincial human rights legislation. Visit the Campus Check website for more information.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment May-August 2025
Open Date
Close Date 01/03/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic (BUSI 6412: Consumer Behavior) – Fall 2025
Posting Number PTAP2762P
Department/Unit Marketing
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course from September – December, 2025. This course is taught face to face to early career Corporate Residency MBA students. It mixes lectures with discussion. Please see the course description below.

BUSI 6412 – Consumer Behavior
Every stage of the marketing process, from determining consumers’ needs to evaluating customer satisfaction, requires a clear understanding of the consumer. The goal of this course is to introduce you to the theories and concepts related to all aspects of consumer behaviour, including theories of attitude formation and change, memory, decision-making, cultural influences, and behavioural outcomes. Throughout the course, an emphasis will be placed on applying theoretical knowledge to various marketing situations.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position

Requirements: A Master’s degree is required. Completion of a PhD or a PhD in progress is considered to be an asset. The successful applicant must have demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter, and an established record of effective teaching experience. · The successful candidate must also be able to meet the AACSB accrediting body academic or professional qualification requirements.

Duties included but are not limited to: The Part-Time academic will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test preparation and evaluation. The part-time academic should be available for two hours per week (either online or in-person) for consultation with students. The part-time academic reports to the Marketing Department Chair, but liaises with the MBAProgram Director and Program Manager.

Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment September-December 2025
Open Date
Close Date 01/03/2025
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Cost Accounting
Course Code: BUSI*4425*01 3rd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 09:00AM – 10:15AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting preferred or MBA in Accounting, or candidates with a
Bachelor’s Degree, CPA designation and in good standing with Nova Scotia
Professional Accounting Institute will be considered. Experience teaching
at a senior university level as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 12/17/2024


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Cost Accounting
Course Code: BUSI*4425*01 2nd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 09:00AM – 10:15AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting preferred or MBA in Accounting, or candidates with a
Bachelor’s Degree, CPA designation and in good standing with Nova Scotia
Professional Accounting Institute will be considered. Experience teaching
at a senior university level as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies. It is advised that candidates may want to consider

clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 12/10/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Strategic Compensation
Course Code: BUSI*4413*01
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 01:30PM – 02:45PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Human Resource Management, or a MBA with course work that relates to the
subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their application package
what specific courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject
and their experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course
and instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 12/10/2024




Part Time Vacancies (ACCT)

The Department of Accounting and Commercial Law invites applications from qualified instructors – holders of a Chartered Professional Accounting designation, a graduate degree with a concentration in accounting, or an acceptable equivalent – for the following courses in Accounting to be offered in the Winter semester beginning January 8, 2025. 

Note: You must respond by email to Prof. Charles Baxter, with a copy to by Friday, December 6. After 

Be sure to clearly indicate which course section you are applying to teach, and if you are applying for more than one list them in the order of your preference.  

Classes offered during the Winter semester of 2025 will be a mixture of in-person classes taught on campus as well as those taught remotely, either synchronously or asynchronously. The available courses are shown below with the delivery attribute listed on Banner. When applying for a position, applicants must be willing and able to teach using the delivery method specified. 

Those courses designated as Web courses must be taught asynchronously.

Note: Some course sections may be added or deleted if there are changes in student demand or if teaching assignments of full-time faculty members are altered.

Winter Semester (January 8, 2025 to April 23, 2025)

CRN Subj Crse Sec Title Days Time Location Attribute
27333 ACCT 2241 2D Introductory Financial Acct TR 11:30 am-12:45 pm SB 260 On-Campus
24787 ACCT 3350 2B Financial Acct Foundations TR 02:30 pm-03:45 pm SH 325 On-Campus
23824 ACCT 4445 2 Financial Statement Analysis TR 10:00 am-11:15 am LA 271 On-Campus

DUTIES: Course preparation, teaching (including labs where applicable), regularly scheduled office hours for student consultation, marking and grading, setting and invigilating final exams (if scheduled), submission of grades in accordance with University procedures and deadlines, involvement in student appeals (if applicable), and other duties as assigned. 

ADDITIONAL DUTIES: Core courses are generally coordinated by a full-time faculty member or the Department Chair if necessary. The successful applicant will be expected to participate in any scheduled meetings and to work collectively and contribute to improving the teaching and learning experiences of students and other faculty. Core courses may involve a department approved common syllabus (including a common grading scheme) as well as common assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, and/or exams. The level of commonality will be determined by the course co-ordinator or the Chair keeping in mind that a high academic standard is expected between and among courses in the program. It is Department policy that course co-ordinators, or the Chair, have read only access to the Brightspace sites of all core courses in the major to help ensure there is academic consistency among courses and course sections.

STUDENT MARKERS:  Student markers may be hired for those courses with more than 30 students enrolled. The Department secretary is available to assist in the marker hiring process and with information on the online student / faculty matching system. It is the instructor’s responsibility to interview and hire a suitable SMU student.  Student markers may assist with quizzes and assignments only. It is the instructor’s responsibility to mark all examinations. It is Department policy that final exams for on-campus classes, if required, be administered by the faculty member on-campus and in-person. University policy also allows online classes to require an in-person exam. If an in-person exam is scheduled and the student resides within 100km of campus they may be required to sit for the exam on campus.  

SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with the current pay scales as set out in the Collective Agreement between Saint Mary’s University and CUPE Local 3912.

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by Friday, December 6, 2024.

TO APPLY: Please send your application via email to: Prof. Charley Baxter, with a copy to: Department of Accounting, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3. Be sure to clearly indicate which course sections you are applying to teach, and in order of preference.  

Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: November 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: December 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Salary: $4,125 CAD (0.25 FCE – 1.5 credit course)

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks.  

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5390 Research Methods for Co-operatives

 (Co-operative enterprises) (1.5 credits), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach research methods to working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).  

The applicants must have expertise in teaching research methodology courses for co-operative professionals. Expertise in conducting research using different methodologies is required

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on December 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Date Posted: November 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: December 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Salary: $4,125 CAD (0.25 FCE – 1.5 credit course)

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5350 Co-operative Lifecycle (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and the co-operative lifecycle theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with scholars and practitioners in the co-operative sector; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on December 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Date Posted: November 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: December 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Salary: $4,125 CAD (0.25 FCE – 1.5 credit course)

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”


Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).


Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5161 Digital Transformation. (Co-operative enterprises), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance, and digital transformation. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate success in mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.).

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on December 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 



Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Advanced Accounting II
Course Code: BUSI*4424*01 4th posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 12/4/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Retailing Management
Course Code: BUSI*3332*01*16*18 4th posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and
exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 12/4/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Nonprofit Financial Management
Course Code: BUSI*3604*01*16*18 2nd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: W 04:30PM – 07:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Management preferred or MBA. Three to five years recent managerial
or financial experience in the non-profit sector is required. Experience
in university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and
exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 12/4/2024




Winter 2025 -Sobey School of Business-MTEI 5560 Tech Strategy & Productivity

QUALIFICATIONS: Relevant Masters (MBA, EMBA, MSC, MTEI, ETC) or PHD in a relevant discipline and previous experience instructing equivalent university course(s) at the Graduate level.  Relevant experience working in the Venture Capital space would be an asset. 

NEW APPLICANTS:  Applicants who have not previously taught in the MTEI program should provide details on the courses they have instructed (e.g., course outlines, teaching evaluations, sample assignments etc.) that might be equivalent to MTEI 5560.

DUTIES: Course preparation, teaching, student consultation, distribution of instructor evaluation questionnaires, marking and grading, invigilation of final exam (if scheduled), submission of grades in accordance with university procedures and deadlines, involvement in student appeals (if applicable), and other duties as deemed necessary. 

SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with precedence level and in accordance with the current pay scales as set out in the Collective Agreement between Saint Mary’s University and CUPE 3912.

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by 4 pm Tuesday December 4th.

TO APPLY: Please send your application, including a clear statement of your preferences in order, to chairperson and copy to Please note “Winter 2025 PT Teaching” in the subject box of your emails. Qualified applicants who have precedence under the Collective Agreement with CUPE 3912 will be given first consideration for appointment.

24225 MTEI 5560 1 Tech Strategy & Productivity Saturday 8:30am-12:00pm TBA SB-260


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Operations Management
Course Code: BUSI*3308*02 2nd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 11/21/2024


Position Title Part-Time Academic (BUSI 7005: Corporate Residency) – Winter/Summer 2025
Posting Number PTAP2742P
Department/Unit Faculty of Management – General
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

(BUSI 7005: Corporate Residency) – Winter/Summer 2025

Responsibilities include:

The Corporate Residency MBA’s signature eight-month corporate work experiences provides the opportunity to focuses on enhancing human capital, leadership development and the creation of social capital in organizations. Since job assignments and action learning are effective ways to develop leadership skills, the overall purpose of the residency is to provide students with an opportunity to bridge the practice and science of leadership development by showing the importance of building both human and social capital in organizations. Ways that this can be achieved include 360-degree feedback; experiential skill development programs; on-the-job learning projects; professional reading and reflective conversations; executive coaching; mentoring; networking.
Qualifications/Requirements of Position

Responsibilities include:

An MBA and/or PhD in a management related topic is required. A knowledge of leadership development and experience with performance management systems is a requirement for the role. The successful candidate must also be able to meet the School’s accrediting body (AACSB) academic or professional qualification requirements, which may include Assurance of Learning data collection. This course is a core course within the Corporate Residency MBA (CR MBA) program. The successful applicant must be able to work collaboratively with our Management Careers Services team, as well as have the ability to liaise with the Corporate Residency MBA office. Excellent communication and coaching skills are required. Some travel is required for this role. Faculty taking on this role are responsible for creating and marking a series of career related assignments, and assessing the student’s work collaboratively with our Management Careers Services team and the student’s employer partner. The Part-Time Academic reports to the Director of the MBA Program.
Salary Range/Pay Rate (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January- August 2025
Open Date
Close Date 11/15/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier


Position Title Part-Time Academic COMM/MGMT 1102: Introductory Accounting II – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2730P
Department/Unit Accountancy
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Winter term from January to April 2025.

COMM 1102 Introductory Accounting II

The course consists of two weekly 80-min lectures on Tuesday and Thursday, 11:35-12:55. A final examination may be scheduled by during the subsequent examination period from April 9 to 26.

The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of office hours per week for direct consultation by students, for which office space will be provided.
Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Canadian CPA designation and/or a Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement
Additional Information
Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January- April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 11/13/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier







Posting date:  November 01, 2024

The Department of Finance, Information Systems, and Management Science in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University is seeking to staff the following courses for the WINTER term (January to April )2024 –2025 academic year.

MGSC 1205, MGSC 1207 and MGSC 2217 – Minimum Master’s Degree and experience in teaching introductory and advanced Business Computing courses at the University level. In response to COVID-19, these courses will be delivered remotely through online instruction or in-person. Experience with teaching in an online environment will therefore be an asset. 

MGSC 1205, MGSC 2207, MGSC2217 – Minimum master’s degree and experience in teaching introductory quantitative methods at the University level.  Experience with teaching in an online environment will therefore be an asset. 

MGSC 1205 -2C – Quantitative Methods I Thursdays – 4:00 – 5:15PM (On Campus)

MGSC 1207.2C- Intro Data Analytics Business Mondays and Wednesdays – 4:00 – 5:15PM (On Campus)

MGSC 1207.2D – Intro Data Analytics Business Mondays and Wednesdays – 08:30 – 09:45AM (On Campus)

MGSC 1207.2G – Intro Data Analytics Business Thursdays – 1:00 – 2:15PM (On Campus)

MGSC 2217.2B – Operations Management Mondays and Wednesdays – 1:00HRS – 2:15PM (On Campus)

MGSC 2217.2C – Operations Management Mondays and Wednesdays – 2:30 – 3:45PM – (On Campus)  

Applications are invited in the first instance from part-time faculty colleagues who are on the University’s Precedence List. Please forward application letter, names of two references and relevant documents to:

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by end of day November 15th, 2024.

Dr. Christine Panasian, Department Chair

Department of Finance, Information Systems, and Management Science

Sobey School of Business

Saint Mary’s University

923 Robie Street

Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3C3



Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Labour Relations
Course Code: BUSI*3314*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 08:15PM – 10:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Labour Relations, or a MBA with management and/or labour relations course
work that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in
their application package what specific courses they have taken and how
they relate to the subject and their experience in university teaching.
This is a coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the
course guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).


If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 11/8/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Advanced Accounting II
Course Code: BUSI*4424*01 3rd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 11/8/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Retailing Management
Course Code: BUSI*3332*01*16*18 3rd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and
exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 11/8/2024



Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) Winter 2025

Date Posted: October 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Salary: $8,250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5280 Marketing the Advantage (Co-operative enterprises) Winter 2025, specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have an applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance and who can interpret non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and apply them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values). Applicants with a PhD degree in Strategic Marketing will be given preference. Demonstrated publication record in well recognized journals. Teaching experience in courses on marketing specific for the co-operative sector is required.

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on November 15, 2024. 


At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) Winter 2025

Date Posted: October 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Salary: $8,250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5230 Financial Management (Co-operative enterprises) Winter 2025, specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).
The applicants must have an applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance and who can interpret non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and apply them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values). 
The applicants must have a demonstrated experience teaching curriculum for co-operatives, charities, and/or nonprofits in accounting and finance modules. Expertise on leading modules on Managing Not for Profits, Social Enterprise and Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility and the social economy are an asset. The ideal candidate is required to have an established network with co-operatives and community groups. Expertise working in research and collaboration in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives is necessary.

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on November 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.


About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) Winter and Spring 2025

Date Posted: October 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Mondays and Wednesdays 

Salary: $8,250

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of cooperation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). 

“The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC6000 Master’s Research Project (Co-operative enterprises) (January-June), specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).  

The applicants must have a PhD Degree, preference given to degrees in Community Development. Expertise in teaching research methodology courses for co-operative professionals, and teaching and directing major research project courses in the co-operative sector. Proven expertise in conducting and directing research projects in the following areas: co-operatives, sustainability, impact and performance assessment for co-operatives, community, social, economic, environmental impact of co-operatives, and community economic development. Expertise in writing case studies, teaching cases, and conducting research using different methodologies is required

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on November 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (CME) Winter 2025

Date Posted: October 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time 

Salary:  (1.5 credits) $4,125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, on line program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting finance, marketing, and information technology.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MCE

CME seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Co-operative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).

 Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

 Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MCE) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5180 Strategic Advantage (Co-operative enterprises) Winter 2025, specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert levelscholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professional, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).  

The applicants must have a background in co-operative strategy and development, including a robust understanding of the co-operative ecosystem, the interaction of federations and co-operative networks, as well as a deep analysis on strategic issues relating to co-operative role in serving complex member needs.  The applicants should be fluent in the co-operative advantage as a values-based, member-owned business as well as how loyalty is created within a democratic organization. Familiarity with shared surplus models and patronage as well as other member benefit models is an asset.  

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on November 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 


Part-time Professor, Part-Term Appointment 

Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) Winter 2025

Date Posted: October 30, 2024 

Posting Deadline: November 15, 2024 

Program: Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) 

Type of Employment: Part-time 

Delivery mode: Online synchronous and asynchronous, Tuesdays-Thursdays midday Atlantic time

Salary: (1.5 credits) $4,125

Group Affiliation: CUPE Local 3912 

Saint Mary’s University offers two international management programs that provide exceptional management skills to current and future co-operative leaders:

  • Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management

These programs are designed for working professionals seeking a part-time, online program geared to co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals.  They are connected into the wider work of the International Centre for Co-operative Management ( The programs draw students, faculty, and researchers from around the globe and from a diversity of co-operative sector organizations.

Throughout the curriculum, management functions are explored within the context of the co-operative business model while being driven by the purpose, values and principles of co-operation.  Beyond the development of a deep understanding of the history and evolution of the co-operative movement, learning encompasses governance, strategy, leadership and people management skills through to accounting, finance, marketing, and digital transformation.

The program is predominantly online with students and faculty in various countries interacting as part of a co-operative learning community.  

Instructors succeed in carrying out program goals when they are able to operationalize ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’ as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995). The Statement on the Co-operative Identity states that a co-operative is an “autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”

Qualifications Sought in Part-time Faculty teaching at MMCC

ICCM seeks instructors who have a background with the co-operative enterprise model and co-operative economy: 

1) Familiarity and fluency in co-operative business as a unique method for economic and social organizing, within the parameters of the International Cooperative Alliance’s ‘Statement on the Co-operative Identity’;

2)Engagement in research and publishing on co-operatives and/or social solidarity economy;

3)Participation in co-operatives in a governance, consultant or management capacity;

4)Teaching co-operative business in another program/institution;

5)Participation in co-operative sector and research events (i.e. current knowledge base).


Instructors with regional or global engagement in the sector and/or research will be considered highly favourable as our programs serve a variety of co-operative models, in various economic spheres and across a global geographic spread. Those serving on boards of regional, national or global co-operative entities will be considered highly valuable for their practical experience and wide networks. 

Job Information and Responsibilities 

The Master of Management, Co-operatives and Credit Unions and Graduate Diploma in Co-operative Management (MMCC) at Saint Mary’s University, invites applications for a Part-Time Appointment under CUPE Local 3912. 

Experience and Education Requirements 

We seek an instructor to teach the course MMCC5121 Governance and Participation (Co-operative enterprises) Winter 2025, specifically focused on co-operative enterprises. The applicants must have expert level scholarly and/or applied knowledge of co-operative management and governance. Applicants must have a deep understanding of the diversity of co-operative enterprises (across sectors and types), matched with meaningful engagement in relevant co-operative networks and organizations (scholarly and/or sector-based) at a national and/or international level. Applicant experience must span multiple economic sectors and most/all types of co-operatives (worker, consumer, producer, and multi-stakeholder). The applicant must demonstrate their ability to teach working professionals, and the course content must include both scholarly and applied materials organized in such a way that transfers knowledge into management and governance practice. This includes interpreting non-co-operative (and/or mainstream) business texts and applying them in the unique co-operative enterprise model context (informed by a global set of operating principles and values).

The applicants must have current and deep experience in co-operative governance theories and practice across a variety of contexts and at an international level. Professional designations and certifications in governance are an asset. In addition, the ideal candidate must demonstrate a rich network of national and global relationships with governance scholars and practitioners; be skilled at mobilizing knowledge effectively for a working professional audience; have hands-on experience as a Board Member or expert advisor on governance with co-operatives, credit unions, and mutuals; and be a leader within and beyond the co-operative sector (e.g. conference presentations, academic and industry publications, etc.). 

Application Details 

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following items only, merged into 1 file

1) a curriculum vitae; 

2) a teaching dossier including:

  • A list of courses taught over the past three years specific to co-operative management education, include information about enrolments and type of course.
  • Sample course materials 
  • Teaching principles/philosophy and instructional methods used to help students succeed.
  • Results from student evaluations. 
  • Additional relevant information.

Applications should be emailed to Jillian Stagg, but addressed to the Academic Program coordinator, MCE. We will begin considering applications on November 15, 2024. 

At Saint Mary’s University equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community.

About Saint Mary’s University 

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities–known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s east coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world—a world without limits. 





Winter 2025 Available Courses

QUALIFICATIONS: Relevant Masters or Doctoral Degree and previous experience instructing equivalent university course(s).  Relevant industrial experience is an asset.  

NEW APPLICANTS:  Applicants who have no previous experience instructing courses for the Management Department should provide a cover letter, CV, two letters of reference and supporting documents for the courses they are applying to teach (e.g., course outlines, course evaluations, tests and assignments used, transcripts and detailed information on relevant industrial experience).  

DUTIES: Course preparation, teaching, student consultation, distribution of instructor evaluation questionnaires, marking and grading, invigilation of final exam (if scheduled), submission of grades in accordance with University procedures and deadlines, involvement in student appeals (if applicable), and other duties as deemed necessary. 

SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with precedence level and in accordance with the current pay scales as set out in the Collective Agreement between Saint Mary’s University and CUPE 3912.

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by end of day November 11, 2024.

TO APPLY: Please send your application to and copy John Fiset at Please note “Winter24 PT Teaching” in the subject box of your emails.  Qualified applicants who have precedence under the Collective Agreement with CUPE 3912 will be given first consideration for appointment.    

25591 MGMT 4482 2 Staffing and Selection TR 04:00 pm-05:15 pm TBA 01/08-04/23 REMOTE Faculty of Sobey School of Bus and S

Winter 2025 Available Courses

QUALIFICATIONS: Relevant Masters or Doctoral Degree and previous experience instructing equivalent university course(s).  Relevant industrial experience is an asset.  

NEW APPLICANTS:  Applicants who have no previous experience instructing courses for the Management Department should provide a cover letter, CV, two letters of reference and supporting documents for the courses they are applying to teach (e.g., course outlines, course evaluations, tests and assignments used, transcripts and detailed information on relevant industrial experience).  

DUTIES: Course preparation, teaching, student consultation, distribution of instructor evaluation questionnaires, marking and grading, invigilation of final exam (if scheduled), submission of grades in accordance with University procedures and deadlines, involvement in student appeals (if applicable), and other duties as deemed necessary. 

SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with precedence level and in accordance with the current pay scales as set out in the Collective Agreement between Saint Mary’s University and CUPE 3912.

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by end of day November 5, 2024.

TO APPLY: Please send your application to and copy John Fiset at Please note “Winter24 PT Teaching” in the subject box of your emails.  Qualified applicants who have precedence under the Collective Agreement with CUPE 3912 will be given first consideration for appointment.   


27660 ENTR 2201 2A Sustainable Entrepreneurship MW 01:00 pm-02:15 pm TBA 01/08-04/23 LA 297 Faculty of Sobey School of Bus and In-Person Learning (On-Campus)
27981 ENTR 2201 2B Sustainable Entrepreneurship MW 10:00 am-11:15 am TBA 01/08-04/23 LA 283 Faculty of Sobey School of Bus and In-Person Learning (On-Campus)
27853 ENTR 4487 2 New Venture Opportunities TR 01:00 pm-02:15 pm TBA 01/08-04/23 ME 104 Faculty of Sobey School of Bus and In-Person Learning (On-Campus)
20564 MGMT 4483 2 Management & Leadership Skills TR 11:30 am-12:45 pm TBA 01/08-04/23 LA 181 Faculty of Sobey School of Bus and In-Person Learning (On-Campus)


Position Title Part-Time Academic (COMM 3410: Services Marketing) – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2713P
Department/Unit Marketing
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Winter term from January to April 2025.

COMM 3410 Services Marketing

The course consists of two weekly 80-min lectures on Monday and Wednesday, 13:05-14:25. A final examination may be scheduled by during the subsequent examination period from April 9 to 26.
The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of office hours per week for direct consultation by students, for which office space will be provided.
Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January – April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/28/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Advanced Accounting II
Course Code: BUSI*4424*01 2nd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 10/25/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Retailing Management
Course Code: BUSI*3332*01*16*18 2nd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and
exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 10/25/2024


Position Title Part-Time Academic COMM 3320: Organizational Theory – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2712P
Department/Unit Leadership & Organizations
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities
A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Winter term from January to April 2025.
COMM 3320: Organizational Theory – Winter 2025

The course consists of one weekly meeting on Thursday, 11:35-14:25. A final examination may be scheduled by during the subsequent examination period from April 9 to 26.

The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of office hours per week for direct consultation by students, for which office space will be provided.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January – April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/25/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic COMM 2401: Introduction to Marketing – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2711P
Department/Unit Marketing
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities
A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Winter term from January to April 2025.
COMM 2401: Introduction to Marketing – Winter 2025

The course consists of two weekly 80-min lectures on Tuesday and Thursday, 11:35-12:55. A final examination may be scheduled by during the subsequent examination period from April 9 to 26.

The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of office hours per week for direct consultation by students, for which office space will be provided.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January – April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/25/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic COMM 2303: Intro to Organizational Behavior – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2710P
Department/Unit Leadership & Organizations
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

COMM 2303: Intro to Organizational Behavior – Winter 2025

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Winter term from January to April 2025.

The course consists of one weekly meeting on Tuesday, 14:35-17:55. A final examination may be scheduled by during the subsequent examination period from April 9 to 26.

The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of office hours per week for direct consultation by students, for which office space will be provided.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January – April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/25/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic COMM 2202: Finance I – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2709P
Department/Unit Finance
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

COMM 2202: Finance I – Winter 2025

A Part-Time Academic is needed to teach the following course in the Winter term from January to April 2025. The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of online office hours per week for direct consultation by students.

This course is to be held in an online asynchronous format, including all student assessment, tests and exams.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Canadian CFA designation and/or a Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA), including courses in an asynchronous or synchronous online environment.
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January – April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/25/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier

Position Title Part-Time Academic COMM 1101: Introductory Accounting – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2708P
Department/Unit Accountancy
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

COMM 1101: Introductory Accounting – Winter 2025

The course consists of two weekly 80-min lectures on Tuesday and Thursday, 14:35-15:55. A final examination may be scheduled by during the subsequent examination period from April 9 to 26.

The Part-Time Academic will be responsible for the organization of the course, preparation and delivery of appropriate teaching and evaluation materials, student assessment, and assurance of learning. The Part-Time Academic shall also hold two additional hours of office hours per week for direct consultation by students, for which office space will be provided.
Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Canadian CPA designation and/or a Master’s degree in Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related field is essential. Candidates must also have demonstrated good knowledge of the specific subject matter, and completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress and prior teaching or related work experience in practice are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment January – April 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/25/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Finance II
Course Code: BUSI*3361*02 2nd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 03:00PM – 04:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Finance preferred or MBA in Finance is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 10/18/2024


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Managerial Accounting
Course Code: BUSI*3320*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: T 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).


If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Legal Aspects of Business
Course Code: BUSI*2259*03
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
Law Degree and member in Good Standing of the Nova Scotia Barrister’s
Society is required. Experience in university teaching. It is advised that
candidates may want to consider clearly indicating how their education and
experience align with the course in their application package. This is a

coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the course
guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Applied Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*2231*04
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 01:30PM – 02:45PM

Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Applied Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*2231*03

Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Principles of Marketing
Course Code: BUSI*2230*05
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Communications & Self-Management Skills
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*2202*07
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Communications, or a MBA with management and/or communication course work

that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their
application package what specific courses they have taken and how they
relate to the subject and their experience in university teaching. This is
a coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the course
guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Managing Diversity: Gender and Other Issues
Course Code: BUSI*WOMS*4406*02
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 01:30PM – 02:45PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.

Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Management Information Systems
Course Code: BUSI*4415*02 3rd posting
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 01:30PM – 02:45PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have a MBA, preferably in Management, or
a MBA or MBA, CPA with management course work related that relates to the
subject matter.  Knowledge of COBIT, IT Governance, IT Systems, Business
Processes, Data Management, Database Systems, Controls, Regulatory
Requirements, Disaster Recovery, IT decision-making and other MIS concepts
are required. Applicants should highlight in their application package
what specific courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject
and their experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course

and instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Managerial Accounting
Course Code: BUSI*3320*04
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Human Resource Management
Course Code: BUSI*3313*02
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 03:00PM – 04:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Human Resource Management, or a MBA with management and/or Human Resource
Management course work that relates to the subject matter. Applicants

should highlight in their application package what specific courses they
have taken and how they relate to the subject and their experience in
university teaching. This is a coordinated course and instructors are
required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams and
teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Operations Management
Course Code: BUSI*3308*02
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector
Course Code: BUSI*2601*02
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. Three to five years recent managerial
experience in the non-profit sector is required and should be highlighted
in the application package. This is a coordinated course and instructors

are required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams
and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Cost Accounting
Course Code: BUSI*4425*01
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 09:00AM – 10:15AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting preferred or MBA in Accounting, or candidates with a
Bachelor’s Degree, CPA designation and in good standing with Nova Scotia
Professional Accounting Institute will be considered. Experience teaching
at a senior university level as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies. It is advised that candidates may want to consider

clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Advanced Accounting II
Course Code: BUSI*4424*01
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM

Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Accounting I
Course Code: BUSI*2321*04
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute.  Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider

clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Organizational Topics
Course Code: BUSI*3316*01
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Human Resource Management
Course Code: BUSI*3313*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Human Resource Management, or a MBA with management and/or Human Resource
Management course work that relates to the subject matter. Applicants
should highlight in their application package what specific courses they
have taken and how they relate to the subject and their experience in
university teaching. This is a coordinated course and instructors are

required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams and
teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Legal Aspects of Business
Course Code: BUSI*2259*28
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
Law Degree and member in Good Standing of the Nova Scotia Barrister’s
Society is required. Experience in university teaching. It is advised that
candidates may want to consider clearly indicating how their education and
experience align with the course in their application package. This is a
coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the course
guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Integrated Marketing Communication
Course Code: BUSI*3339*01*16*18
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 03:00PM – 04:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and

exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Personal Selling and Sales Management
Course Code: BUSI*3334*16*18
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: T 08:15PM – 10:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Retailing Management
Course Code: BUSI*3332*01*16*18
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 12:00PM – 01:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Marketing, or
an MBA with marketing course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and

exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Organizational Topics
Course Code: BUSI*3316*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: W 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Managerial Accounting
Course Code: BUSI*3320*28
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: T 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute. Experience in

university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Finance II
Course Code: BUSI*3361*28
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM

Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Finance preferred or MBA in Finance is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Finance I
Course Code: BUSI*3360*28
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: M 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Finance preferred or MBA in Finance is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Values in a Business Society: Issues and Analysis
Course Code: BUSI*4412*01*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and

exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Finance II
Course Code: BUSI*3361*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Finance preferred or MBA in Finance is required. Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Course Code: BUSI*2011*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TTH 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship preferred or must have
MBA, preferably in Small Business or Entrepreneurship, or an MBA with
course work that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should
highlight in their application package what specific courses they have
taken and how they relate to the subject and their experience in
university teaching. This is a coordinated course and instructors are
required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams and
teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: International Human Resource Management
Course Code: BUSI*4419*01*16*18
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: M 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and

exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Digital Marketing Analytics for Business and Tourism.
Course Code: BUSI*3330*16*18
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: W 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Marketing preferred or must have MBA with course work that relates
to the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their application
package what specific courses they have taken and how they relate to the
subject and their experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated

course and instructors are required to follow the course guidelines
including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Accounting I
Course Code: BUSI*2321*15*19
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: TH 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Accounting or MBA in Accounting, or Bachelor’s Degree and
Professional Accounting designation and members must be in good standing
with Nova Scotia Professional Accounting institute.  Experience in
university teaching. It is advised that candidates may want to consider
clearly indicating how their education and experience align with the
course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored

tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.—————————————————
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism
Email: busi.apps@msvu.caApplication deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Operations Management
Course Code: BUSI*3308*04
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management, or a
MBA with management course work that relates to the subject matter.
Applicants should highlight in their application package what specific
courses they have taken and how they relate to the subject and their
experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated course and
instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 10/16/2024

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Small Business Consultancy
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*4410*01*16*18
Academic Term: Winter
Class Timetable: MW 03:00PM – 04:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 1/6/2025
End Date: 4/17/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Entrepreneurship/Small Business, or a MBA with course work that relates to
the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their application
package what specific courses they have taken and how they relate to the
subject and their experience in university teaching. This is a coordinated
course and instructors are required to follow the course guidelines
including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught using multi-access (Hyflex) teaching (scheduled
courses have two groups of students, one in-person and one online).
Instructors must hold class in the assigned classroom at the assigned
time. Faculty cannot change a multi-access course to an online only
course – under any circumstances.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Please note that
this course incorporates multi access learning technology and students
will be taught simultaneously on campus and via online. Faculty applying
for section 01/15/19, 02/16/18, etc. courses should highlight in their
cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and
exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100
kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 10/16/2024


Position Title Part-Time Academic MGMT 2402: Marketing Applications in Not-for-Profit Sectors – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2696P
Department/Unit Marketing
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

MGMT 2402: Marketing Applications in Not-for-Profit Sectors – Winter 2025

The instructor will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test and evaluation preparation and marking. They will deliver the in-person on Mondays & Wednesdays 14:35-15:55. They should also be available for two hours per week (either in person or online) for consultation with the students. The part-time academic reports to the Department Head (Marketing) and liaises with the Bachelor of Management Program Director.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Master’s degree in Management or a related field is essential. Candidates must have demonstrated good knowledge of the subject matter. Completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress, and prior teaching or related not-for-profit industry experience are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment Jan – Apr 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/13/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier


Position Title Part-Time Academic MGMT 3601: Info in a Networked World – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2690P
Department/Unit Information Science
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities
The instructor will be responsible for all aspects of teaching and administering the class, including lectures, test and evaluation preparation and marking. They will deliver the in-person weekly class on Tuesday & Thursday 16:05-17:25. They should also be available for two hours per week (either in person or online) for consultation with the students. The part-time academic reports to the Department Head (Information Science) and liaises with the Bachelor of Management Program Director.
Qualifications/Requirements of Position
This is a position with a strong emphasis on high-quality teaching, excellent communication and dedication to student success. A Master’s degree in Management or a related field is essential. Candidates must have demonstrated good knowledge of the subject matter. Completion of a PhD, a PhD in progress, and prior teaching or related industry experience are considered to be strong assets. Preference will further be given to candidates with experience or interests in creating innovative pedagogical materials that can also incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA).
Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment Jan – Apr 2025
Open Date
Close Date 10/04/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier



Position Title Part-Time Academic MGMT 6570: Equity & Diversity in the Public Sector – Winter 2025
Posting Number PTAP2672P
Department/Unit Public & International Affairs
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Job Summary & Key Responsibilities

MGMT 6570: Equity & Diversity in the Public Sector – Winter 2025

Course Description (January to April 2025):

This is a theoretical course on inclusion, participation and inequality in public service employment and public service delivery. It explores representativeness as an ideology and the management practices and policy initiatives which arise from this notion. The course considers the questions: What is equality? Why do we want equality? What difference does it make to have equality-oriented initiatives? What is equity and diversity? What results are being achieved? What are the underlying issues of inequality difference and inclusion as they relate to Canadian democracy and global issues of equality?

– Prepare for and present the required course material for the distance portion of the course using available on-line tools and technologies

– Prepare for and present the required course material for a 2.5-day intensive study portion of the course, including preparation and grading of final exam or final project. Online intensives will take place April 5- 7th.

– Supervise and maintain responsibility for regular student contact through the course site during the distance education portion of the course and provide a venue that supports student engagement and learning.

– Meeting strict deadlines and delivery schedules

– All instructors report to the Director of the MPA Programs.

Qualifications/Requirements of Position

A master’s degree in public administration or a related field and recent or current experience at the executive level within government departments is required. Preference will be given to candidates who hold a Ph.D. in the area of Public Administration. Previous university-level teaching at the Master’s level is required as is demonstrated teaching effectiveness at the Master’s level. Preference will also be given to applicants who hold or have recently held positions at the executive level within government departments and to persons with experience in Equity & Diversity in the Public Sector

Experience in course development and teaching at the graduate level, with a demonstrated record of teaching excellence.

Successful experience in course delivery in a distance education mode is desirable, although not mandatory for participation in the project

Salary Range/Pay Rate $6,478 per course (In accordance with CUPE Collective Agreement)
Additional Information

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Posting Detail Information

Term of appointment Jan – Apr 2025
Open Date
Close Date 09/28/2024
Open Until Filled
Quick Link for Direct Access to Posting

Documents Needed to Apply

Required Documents

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Résumé / Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Optional Documents

  1. Teaching Statement
  2. Teaching Dossier
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