Tourism & Hospitality Management

Please Note:

Prospective job candidates are URGED to check with the respective department, dean, or payroll office for a more detailed description of qualifications.  DO NOT apply for jobs via CUPE 3912, but directly with the contact person for each job posting. Some departments may accept applications online; others might not. It is our recommendation that you include a COMPLETE CV with every application, even if it is not requested.

Jobs are listed newest-to-oldest and expired job postings are periodically archived.


Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Communications & Self-Management Skills
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*2202*02
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: MW 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have MBA, preferably in Management or
Communications, or a MBA with management and/or communication course work
that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should highlight in their
application package what specific courses they have taken and how they
relate to the subject and their experience in university teaching. This is
a coordinated course and instructors are required to follow the course
guidelines including assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught on campus.

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Hotel Management
Course Code: THMT*2221*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: T 08:00PM – 10:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
PhD in Business/Tourism/Hospitality Management preferred or MBA in
Business/Tourism/Hospitality Management is required. Opera Hotel
Reservation Management System experience required. Experience in
university teaching is an asset. It is advised that candidates may want to
consider clearly indicating how their education and experience align with
the course in their application package. This is a coordinated course and

instructors are required to follow the course guidelines including
assignments, exams and teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.

Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Research for Business and Tourism
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*4430*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: MW 04:00PM-06:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
PhD in Business preferred or must have a MBA with Business Research
Methods course work that relates to the subject matter. Applicants should
highlight in their application package what specific courses they have
taken and how they relate to the subject and their experience in
university teaching. This is a coordinated course and instructors are

required to follow the course guidelines including assignments, exams and
teaching methods.
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

Department/Faculty: Business & Tourism
Course Name: Introduction to Mi’kmaw/Indigenous Tourism
Course Code: BUSI*THMT*2307*16*18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: M 06:00PM – 08:00PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
Applicants with a Masters in Business Administration or Tourism, a
combination of a relevant undergraduate degree and experience or a PHD in
business or Tourism are welcomed to apply for this position. The
successful candidate must have three to five years recent experience
working in the Mi’kmaw/Indigenous tourism industry or in a leadership role
in Mi’kmaw/Indigenous communities, along with recent and relevant
experience working directly in Mi’kmaw/Indigenous communities. Please be
advised that candidates must clearly indicate how their education and
experience align with the course in their application package.

Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
This class is taught online and is called a synchronous online class.

Experience in university teaching as well as experience in teaching using
online technologies to include Moodle and Collaborate. Faculty applying
for section 15/19, 16/18, 20 through 29, and DA courses should highlight
in their cover letters past online education experience, training and/or
certifications as the class is delivered online in real time as per the
timetable days and times. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored
tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for students
within 100 kms of campus).

If you have not previously taught in the Department of Business and
Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University, please ensure to include all of
your most recent teaching evaluations, incorporating assessments from
students and/or academic leads/administrators, in your application
package. It’s important to note that applications will not be considered
complete without these evaluations. Faculty who are currently teaching or
have taught in the Department of Business and Tourism within the past
three years may also choose to include these evaluations.
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Dept. of Business & Tourism

Application deadline: 3/12/2025

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