Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Health Communication
Course Code: COMM 4511 18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TTH 06:00PM-07:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in public relations or related
discipline, and a minimum of 5 years of applicable professional experience
in public relations at the management level. Applicants must have
experience in successfully teaching at the University level, including use
of appropriate learning management software. Experience teaching in an
online environment is an asset. If there are no qualified applicants for
this posting, applicants may be considered who demonstrate the requisite
knowledge, skills, and experience to teach the course. Instructors are
required to invigilate proctored tests and exams for students writing on
campus (mandatory for students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Employee Relations
Course Code: PBRL 4101 18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: MW 04:30PM-05:45PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in public relations or related
discipline, and a minimum of 5 years of applicable professional experience
in public relations at the management level. Applicants must have
experience in successfully teaching at the University level, including use
of appropriate learning management software. Experience teaching in an
online environment is an asset. If there are no qualified applicants for
this posting, applicants may be considered who demonstrate the requisite
knowledge, skills, and experience to teach the course. Instructors are
required to invigilate proctored tests and exams for students writing on
campus (mandatory for students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Communication Design
Course Code: COMM 3023 18
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TTH 06:00PM-07:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in design, communication, public
relations or a related field. Applicants must possess demonstrated
competence teaching the use of software packages such as Adobe Photoshop,
Illustrator, XD, InDesign and Premiere. Applicants must have experience
in successfully teaching at the University level, including use of
appropriate learning management software. Experience teaching in an online
environment is an asset. If there are no qualified applicants for this
posting, applicants may be considered who demonstrate the requisite
knowledge, skills, and experience to teach the course. Instructors are
required to invigilate proctored tests and exams for students writing on
campus (mandatory for students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Intro to Public Speaking
Course Code: PBRL/COMM 2211 15 19
Academic Term: Summer Session II
Class Timetable: TTH 09:00AM-10:15AM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 7/2/2025
End Date: 8/15/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in public relations or related
discipline, and a minimum of 5 years of applicable professional experience
in public relations. Applicants must have experience in successfully
teaching at the University level, including use of appropriate learning
management software. Experience teaching in an online environment is an
asset. If there are no qualified applicants for this posting, applicants
may be considered who demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills, and
experience to teach the course. Instructors are required to invigilate
proctored tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for
students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Crisis Communication
Course Code: GPRL 6307 18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: W 06:00PM-08:30PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
Applicants must have a PhD in public relations, management or related
discipline, and a minimum of 5 years of applicable management experience.
Applicants must have experience in successfully teaching at the University
level, including use of appropriate learning management software.
Experience teaching in an online environment is an asset. If there are no
qualified applicants for this posting, applicants may be considered who
demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills, and experience to teach the
course. Instructors are required to invigilate proctored tests and exams
for students writing on campus (mandatory for students within 100 kms of
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Intro to Public Speaking
Course Code: PBRL/COMM 2211 16 18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: TBA
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in public relations or related
discipline, and a minimum of 5 years of applicable professional experience
in public relations. Applicants must have experience in successfully
teaching at the University level, including use of appropriate learning
management software. Experience teaching in an online environment is an
asset. If there are no qualified applicants for this posting, applicants
may be considered who demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills, and
experience to teach the course. Instructors are required to invigilate
proctored tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for
students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Intro to Social Media
Course Code: COMM 2025 16 18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: MW 06:00PM – 07:15PM
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in communication, public relations
or a related field. Applicants must possess demonstrated competence
teaching social media. Applicants must have experience in successfully
teaching at the University level, including use of appropriate learning
management software. Experience teaching in an online environment is an
asset. If there are no qualified applicants for this posting, applicants
may be considered who demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills, and
experience to teach the course. Instructors are required to invigilate
proctored tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for
students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
Department/Faculty: Communication Studies
Course Name: Intro to Communication Technology
Course Code: COMM 1015 16 18
Academic Term: Summer Session I
Class Timetable: TBA
Course Unit Value: 0.5
Start Date: 5/5/2025
End Date: 6/20/2025
Applicants must have a master’s degree in public relations or related
discipline, and a minimum of 5 years of applicable professional experience
in public relations. Applicants must have experience in successfully
teaching at the University level, including use of appropriate learning
management software. Experience teaching in an online environment is an
asset. If there are no qualified applicants for this posting, applicants
may be considered who demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills, and
experience to teach the course. Instructors are required to invigilate
proctored tests and exams for students writing on campus (mandatory for
students within 100 kms of campus).
Duties: Preparation, teaching, student consultation, grading and marking,
distribution of student evaluation questionnaires, involvement in student
appeals, and other duties appropriate to the
appointment. —————————————————
Additional Duties:
Remuneration: Remuneration is in accordance with the Collective Agreement
between Mount Saint Vincent University and CUPE 3912
How to apply: Send your application accompanied by curriculum vitae and
the names of three references to:
Department Chair: Dr. Tracy Moniz, Chair of the Department of
Communication Studies
Email: commstudies@msvu.ca
Application deadline: 3/7/2025
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