- The Alex “Sugarcamp” MacDonald Memorial Bursary: Awarded to a student attending university, trade school or community college.
- The Glenda Cooper Memorial Bursary: Awarded to a student attending university, trade school or community college.
- The J.K. Bell Memorial Bursary: This bursary is only open to students who are attending community college or trade school.
- The Joe Gannon Memorial Bursary: Awarded to a student attending university.
- The Leo F. McKay Memorial Bursary: Awarded to a student attending university or community college or trade school.
International Women’s Day
Today marks International Women’s Day. Celebrated each year on March 8, IWD is a day to celebrate and remember women’s achievements. While the UN recognized IWD as March 8 in 1975, it has been celebrated for more than a century, and its origins overlap with trade unions and the struggle for social justice and economic equality.
This year’s IWD theme is ‘Choose to Challenge’ and it urges us to recognize the role women have played in fighting inequality, but also to confront the ongoing reality of inequality and gender discrimination in Canada and around the world.
This theme is particularly relevant for our union, which is made up of part-time, precarious academic workers. Women are overrepresented in these positions, and there remains a gendered pay gap in full-time academic work. These gendered inequalities have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our fall newsletter includes a piece by Shiva Nourpanah and Chantelle Falconer, both members, that considers the gendered impacts of the pandemic on post-docs and emerging graduates.
CUPE Nova Scotia and CUPE National both have recommendations for actions to take to celebrate IWD and to choose to challenge gender inequality. CUPE NS’s Women’s Committee will be sharing IWD stories about choosing to challenge on their Facebook page. The Canadian Labour Congress also has a page on gender equality you can visit.
CUPE 3912 stands alongside all those who choose to challenge sexism, discrimination and inequality in the workplace and beyond.
CUPE NS Bursaries and Awards
The CUPE NS website has information for several awards, scholarships, and bursaries for CUPE affiliated members. The deadline to apply is April 15.
The awards are:
- Two $1,000 CUPE Higgins Insurance Scholarships for members or children of members attending university in 2020-2021;
- Two Occupational Health and Safety Awards to an individual and a committee for significant contributions to health and safety;
- $1,000 Rocky Jones Bursary for an African or Indigenous Nova Scotian student;
- Steward of the Year Award;
- Barb Kowlaski Literacy Award for individuals or locals that promote literacy within their union, workplace and or community. There are two awards available annually: one for an individual member and one for a Local Union.
African Heritage Month
February 1 marks the start of African Heritage Month. This year’s theme is Black History Matters: Listen, Learn, Share, and Act.
To mark the month, we encourage all members to take some time to reflect on and learn more about the legacies and contributions of people of African descent in Canadian and Nova Scotia history and society. We should also take some time to reaffirm that Black lives and Black history matter, and commit ourselves to working towards a more inclusive society. As educators and post-secondary workers, CUPE 3912 members have opportunities and responsibilities to incorporate anti-racism into our work and our teaching, and to listen to, learn from, and share Black voices, experiences, and history. You can see this growing list of resources we have complied for including anti-racism and Black Lives Matter into your syllabus and classroom practices.
We hope you take some time to look into the virtual events being hosted by MSVU, SMU, and Dalhousie, and events in the community more broadly. You can learn more here: https://ansa.novascotia.ca/african-heritage-month.
Furthermore, CUPE National has a list of resource and actions to help celebrate African Heritage Month and to fight against anti-Black racism in our workplaces and society more broadly.
CUPE 3912 stands in solidarity in the fight against anti-Black racism.
[gview file=”http://cupe3912.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/146/2021/02/ahm2021.pdf”]
Press Release from SSFA re: Liberal Leadership Campaign
The Student, Staff, Faculty Alliance, which represents 20 unions or associations with over 20,000 college and university employees and students across NS, have released a statement on the Liberal Party of NS leadership campaign in relation to post-secondary education. It is attached below (click the download link if it doesn’t load in your browser):
“The SSFA believes the PSE sector in Nova Scotia is about more than education; it is a pathway for immigration and community building, a gateway for entrepreneurship and research innovation, and an economic driver in urban and rural communities. Its members are disheartened that none of the candidates for premier seem concerned with the fate of PSE in Nova Scotia.”
Joint Statement for CUPE Members from Dalhousie Re. COVID-19 Supports and Resources
We are pleased to present the following joint statement is issued from to CUPE 3912 Members from Frank Harvey, Provost and Vice-President Academic and Karen Harper, President, CUPE Local 3912:
To: CUPE Members
From: Frank Harvey, Provost and Vice-President Academic
Karen Harper, President, CUPE Local 3912
Date: January 19, 2021
Re: COVID-19 Supports and Resources
Online Teaching Support
Dalhousie University has a variety of supports and resources to aid part-time academics making the transition to online teaching. Our Academic Technology Services (ATS) is now providing closed captioning support: https://www.dal.ca/dept/online-teaching/teaching-support/closed_captioning_support.html.
Educational Developers at the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) are available to offer help and support with your course design and course development plan. They can help you select online learning and assessment strategies to meet your course and learning objectives. Part-time faculty members can also join the Going Online Together community on Brightspace by contacting clt@dal.ca
Equipment and Resources
Part-time academics may require additional equipment, software and/or Teaching Assistant support. Those seeking additional equipment, resources and support should contact their Department Chair/Head/Director.
Access to Libraries and Campus Spaces
Dalhousie University’s libraries are offering a variety of virtual services, as well on-campus bookable work spaces. Part-time academics can also access bookable recording space on campus to record their online lectures.
Home Office Expenses
Dalhousie University is looking into the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRAs) regulations on home office expenses. If and when a part-time member’s circumstances meet the CRA eligibility criteria for a T2200 tax slip, one will be issued upon request.
Professional Development Fund
For the 2020-21 academic year, CUPE and Dalhousie University have agreed to waive the requirement that part-time academics hold an appointment at the time of the conference and/or events. Part-time academics only need to be on the precedence list to be eligible to apply for professional development funds.
Teaching Evaluations
Dalhousie University’s Senate has made the decision that course evaluations collected for the period of Winter 2020 to Summer 2021 will only be used for formative purposes. Instructors will receive their course evaluations and these evaluations will be sent to Department Chairs/Head/Directors but they will not be used for evaluative purposes.
Once again, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication during this very difficult time.
New Term and TA Digital Duty Form
As we settle in to the new academic term, we would like to remind instructors, teaching assistants, markers and demonstrators at Dalhousie that we have a digital duty form that can be filled out to set expectations for hours worked.
Special General Meeting – December 18 @ 3 pm
On December 18, at 3 pm, we are holding a virtual general meeting to hold a by-election for a new Vice-President for Saint Mary’s University. Other items may be added to the agenda.
If you are interested in standing for election for this position please contact us. To be nominated, you must attend the meeting or submit your nomination before hand to president.cupe3912@gmail.com.
Nominations of members of marginalized groups are encouraged.
To RSVP for the meeting, contact our Membership Officer, Kim Robinson (kimrobinson1945@icloud.com), by December 16. A link will be sent to those who have RSVP’d prior to the meeting.
All members are welcome.
[gview file=”http://cupe3912.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/146/2020/12/CUPE-Special-GM-December-2020.pdf”]
Digital Duty Form for Dalhousie TAs and Markers
A “Digital Duty Form” is now available.
Submitting a jointly signed Duty Form, agreeing on the description of duties, and the corresponding hours for payment, is a Teaching Assistant individual course contract requirement, and a Marker course contract or hourly rate activity recommendation. The first financial payment from a course contract to a TA or Marker typically happens after a signed Duty Form is submitted and processed.
If you might be an academic service provider for a class starting in 2021, consider using this digital version of the form in Appendix C of the CUPE 3912 – Dalhousie University Collective Agreement.
This “Digital Duty Form” version is an effective equivalent in content and layout to what is presented in Appendix C of the Collective Agreement. It can be a simpler, equivalent alternative to a paper process (ie. download – print – 1st signature – scan – send – print – 2nd signature – scan).
This “Digital Duty Form” is similar to one used by the Civil Engineering Department. Duty Forms have also been used for some engineering course Marker contracts in recent years.
This “Digital Duty Form” is also an available option for Dalhousie University Instructors and administration representatives, involved with the employer side of TA and Marker contracts.
Work hours = Contract hours = Paid hours
When TA’s and Markers have better documentation of their course specific agreements, there is a better case for all those originally signing a Duty Form, to later choose to mutually agree to changes in the scope of work, such that work hours = contract hours = paid hours.
If you have any questions of comments, please feel free to contact the CUPE 3912 office, or Dave Banoub, CUPE 3912 Outreach, or the relevant CUPE 3912 Vice President.
Invitation to CUPE Anti-Racism Strategy Online Meeting
CUPE National is inviting Black, Indigenous, and Racialized members to participate in the consultation stage to develop a National Anti-Racism Strategy for the Atlantic and Maritimes Regions on November 23, 2020. Please see attached invitation for details. We hope that some CUPE 3912 can be part of this consultation.
[gview file=”http://cupe3912.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/146/2020/11/invitation.pdf”]