Special Membership Meeting: By-elections

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Please be advised that CUPE Local 3912 will be having a Special Membership Meeting in accordance with Section 5 (b) of the Local Bylaws. The purpose of the meeting is to have by-elections for President and Communications Officer, positions recently vacated due to resignations.

The meeting will be held as follows:

Date: Friday, September 27
Time: Noon
Place: Dalhousie University, Student Union Building, Second Floor Council Chambers

Nominations for positions can be sent in advance to Sébastien Labelle at SLabelle@dal.ca or to Erica Fisher at fischersan@gmail.com

Please send inquiries about the by-elections or positions to be filled to Sébastien or Erica at the same adresses above.


We are saddened to announce the recent departure of two members of our executive. Sister Jennifer Dimoff has stepped down as President and brother Sébastien Labelle has stepped down as Communications Officer. We thank them both for their leadership and the hard work they have done while serving as executive members of our local. We offer them our best wishes for the future. Solidarity!

University Affairs: Sessionals, Up Close


Sessional instructors are now a crucial part of the teaching equation at most Canadian universities. Some say it’s time to include them more fully in the life of the institution. University Affairs examines the issue in the above article, which features a quote from CUPE 3912 President, Jennifer Dimoff.

View a sampling from a range of institutions on the pay, benefits and other work-related conditions for sessional lecturers. Download the chart (PDF)